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I just learned Outer Product works on elements, and not on major cells. does it make sense to change it? to me it seems more useful to use a major cells definition, plus the original outer product is easily reconstructible with each + rank, according to the wiki
oh and Outer Product has each-like disclosw behavior, right? should I keep that?
5 hours later…
@RubenVerg Jim Brown explains why he changed it (back) to element-wise in The origins of APL2: regarding 1 2 ∘., 3 4 5 ∘., 5 6, "With the IUP definition, the result was simple and the shape was 2 3 2 2 2. outer product had lost its connotation as 'all combinations'."
@Marshall hmm, I think I at least partially understand why an elementwise outer product is useful now
but is there a use for a cells one? does it deserve a glyph or is it simple enough to spell using other primitives?

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