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` butterfly← {(⊣/⍺)∇⍣(×r)⊢(+⌿⍵),[r-0.5]⍺×[⍳r←≢⍴⍺]-⌿⍵}` trying to convert this to bqn, but the bracket axis is confusing. I'm wondering how i can emulate the stretching
2 hours later…
@Razetime Maybe start by converting to use Rank operator?
hmm ok
maybe the first then align all the things
@user1418115 Hej Jannik Gellert. If you want to participate here, please email [email protected]
@Finn Thanks. Added.
8 hours later…
@user22526288 Hi Toula Panagopoulou, if you want to participate here, simply email [email protected]
5 hours later…
@Adám I see Helsingør temperatures are ranging in the low to high teens this time of year. That's quite cool. In general, though, what kind of clothes and weather prep do you recommend for the User Meeting?
Where I live, the really cold regions tend to keep inside buildings quite warm in winter, where the more moderate regions tend to actually be kept colder.

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