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3:29 AM
@mitchelljohnstone Haha. What a clever solution! Also nice to see getting some love :)
I'm curious, did you just come up with it on the spot, or was some mulling involved? I'd love to hear whether the APL code, for you, reads like it's just writing down the obvious expression for your internal conceptualization.
@rabbitgrowth So direct and clean! It's like a direct expression of the problem spec. Love it.
4:07 AM
@B.Wilson Thanks! I knew I wanted to work with the positional approach, but it took some effort in order to bring it to that conciseness. Some aspects just revealed themselves as I kept iterating on what I had.
5:01 AM
@mitchelljohnstone Ah, I see. Yeah, recognizing how the order of letters gives nice handles into the pieces we want is super cool. You actually got me to update my conceptualization of Grade a bit!

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