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Hi, does anyone have experience typing glyphs on Android? The wiki only mentions software keyboards, I'm hoping there's some equivalent to setxkbmap that lets you use a physical bluetooth keyboard.
9 hours later…
Q: How provide default values when using ⌸ in Dyalog APL

xpqzWhen using key ⌸ to produce a frequency table, e.g {⍺,≢⍵}⌸'mississippi' ┌→──┐ ↓m 1│ │i 4│ │s 4│ │p 2│ └+──┘ I frequently find myself wanting to 'seed' the result set to provide a count of 0 for any items I know to be missing. If we're doing a letter frequency distribution analysis we might...

I love how (127+⍳64)⍨ is printed as 128+⎕io-⍨⍳64
though I can't tell if it's intentional or implementation details leaking through
5 hours later…
Fairly sure that's just due to ⍳ respecting ⎕IO
so ⎕io-⍨⍳64 always gives [0,64)
4 hours later…
I'd assumed it would just calculate the array and put it in K
or maybe it does that and then ]box sees a contiguous array and shows it like that?

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