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Q: Alexa. The new APL language and Google-Spreadsheet

Stefano TagliaferriAfter Alexa's recent switch from the older Display interface to the new APL language, I’m no longer able to use the Google-Spreadsheet library to connect to spreadsheets. What do I have to do to be able to use Google-Spreadsheet again? Thanks for your help and sorry for my incorrect English

2 hours later…
⎕←≢1 2 3
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced 3
@Adám are there preview builds for APL 18.1?
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced There's a non-public beta programme for 18.2. May I ask why?
just asking; i have switched drives and i want to wait till 18.1 releases
It might still be a while before 18.2 releases. Hopefully this year.
whats the difference between 18.1 and 18.2?
18.2 is the new 18.1 :-)
18.2 is based on 17.0 while 18.1 was based on 18.0.
2 hours later…
@Adám oh ok
i will just get 18.2 when it comes out ig
4 hours later…
What about this solution to last @code_report 's video?
@MasterQuiz Cute but obviously horribly inefficient. How about {(⍎∊2('+',⊃)¨⍵)1}
@Adám Can't understand how does this work after 2('+',⊃)¨⍵. Also why is mine inefficient? Is it the ⍕1,⍨?
Also why in the tree view of this (at least in TRYapl) the format doesn't appear? (⍎∊2⊃¨⊢). It also should be a function
@MasterQuiz flattens to a character vector, e.g. 'X++' 'X--' 'X++' becomes +++-++ which evaluates to a 6-train (although the leftmost + doesn't matter). It then is applied to 1, giving +(+1)+(-1)+(+1). Yours does a bunch of executes, which are heavy.
@MasterQuiz Because TryAPL isn't so good at hiding the fact that is replaced by a cover function.
Hm, the comment there "(allows only numbers)" isn't true any more. It now allows all code regarded as safe.

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