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6:14 AM
234 133 101 77 56 42 30 22 15 11 7 5 3 2 1 1
Well it isn't pretty and it doesn't work correctly (last two numbers should be 135 and 176), but I might have another method for calculating the partition function soon
176 135 101 77 56 42 30 22 15 11 7 5 3 2 1 1
Oof yep, definitely ugly
But I think it'll be fine after I golf more parentheses out
⎕←1{⍵≤0:⍺⋄W←∊{2÷⍨⍵×1+3×⍵}(¯1 1)∘.×⍳2×⍵+≢⍺⋄(⍺,⍨-/(⍺↑⍨⊃⌽W)[W])∇⍵-1}15
6:32 AM
176 135 101 77 56 42 30 22 15 11 7 5 3 2 1 1
6:49 AM
Welp, I found our older code from when I was doing this for Project Euler and it's orders of magnitude faster XD but it's less golfy
⎕←1 1{⍵≤0:⍺⋄r←-/{+/w[i/⍨l≥i←2÷⍨(3×⍵*2)+⍵,-⍵]}¨⍳⌊6÷⍨1+0.5*⍨1+24×l←≢w←⍺⋄(r,w)∇⍵-1}15
231 176 135 101 77 56 42 30 22 15 11 7 5 3 2 1 1
8 hours later…
3:13 PM
@ViniciusACP You can evaluate a single line of APL by typing it into chat prefixed by ⍞←. Use ⎕← instead for boxed display and multi-line results and use ⋄ instead to silence the first statement. Use ] to call user commands, including ]help ⍣ for help on a glyph etc. Do not use markdown, but fixed-width (4 initial spaces) is fine. Commands: )lb for language bar, )docs for full documentation, )ref for PDF reference card, )idioms for idiom list.
4 hours later…
7:37 PM
@ViniciusACP Welcome. You seem interested in APL. Can I be of any service?

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