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@rabbitgrowth It appears to be an operator designed to assign to dynamic scoping variables in dfns github.com/Co-dfns/Co-dfns/blob/…
@rabbitgrowth Definitely Co-dfns specific. It's effectively just a method for passing in data directly to the runtime.
This is where we're handling it: github.com/Co-dfns/Co-dfns/blob/…
As @LdBeth notes, it's only use right now is with axis⍠← which handles the axis operator, I believe. I'm still shaky on runtime details.
That said, the "loc" name is a red herring. I'm actually not sure what that stands for.
1 hour later…
I see, thanks! I guess the runs of consecutive I-Beams like "⌶⌶", "⌶⌶⌶", and "⌶⌶⌶⌶" are also Co-dfns-specific?
@rabbitgrowth Yup. Those are for calling out to C functions. , ⌶⌶, ⌶⌶⌶, ⌶⌶⌶⌶ are functions, monadic operators, dyadic operators, and global values, respectively.
PS is pretty straightforward up until essentially vb gets defined. That marks the point where we start performing name resolution, and things can get a bit gnarly. Feel free to ping me directly if you have any questions.
Also, bear in mind that we're actively working on name resolution stuff. We're restructuring the whole thing to prepare for handling name resolution across namespaces (i.e. dotted namespace notation). This will end up simplifying how we handle closures and the semantics of vb a lot.
Cool, thank you so much!
I'm still at the early stages of PS, and I'm a bit scared now about what's coming up. :)
7 hours later…
the code base has been changed a lot since last time I visited the project. Neither do I know what's going on

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