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in page "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=APL_syntax_and_symbols&diff=prev&oldid=1270300238" for matrix identity is showed "∘.=⍨∘⍳" here NARS APL it seems ok even "∘.=⍨⍳"
6 hours later…
@Rosario Right, even in Dyalog but only since version 14.0 so maybe the code there is older.
Q: Dyalog APL: GUI full mode

конструкторWhen launching Dyalog APL, I don't have a complete interface. How do I get the familiar interface back? My Dyalog APL is in the screenshot below. stackoverflow does not allow my question: it writes too short text, but I have nothing more to add... sorry for this meaningless text under the screen...

3 hours later…
@Adám Indeed i'm kinda regretting the use of @ since it isn't defined anywhere in the article perhaps because the article is about old-fashioned/standard APL. Might consider separating it into a Pascal function that returns a 2D array of integers and then have a separate line that shows it nicely formatted (with the comment that @ is a non-standard Dyalog function?).
Probably doesn't matter so much. Wikipedia is not really an APL learning resource.

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