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5:37 AM
@Silas That's a fun bit of history. Thanks for the DFT APL/360 reference.
5:59 AM
@Adám This documentation looks quite similar to Dyalog's :) Thanks.
Heh. 0∧X is a nice alternative to 0⍴⍨≢X for numeric vectors.
1 hour later…
7:25 AM
"Offline version of the online documentation subset (Microsoft Windows only)"
CHM files can totally be viewed on Linux. It's too bad the UNIX sections have been removed.
1 hour later…
8:37 AM
Huh. So ⍺← is a syntax error unless it's at the beginning of a line, and said line only gets executed if isn't supplied. That's... fun.
1 hour later…
9:44 AM
@B.Wilson Almost. … if isn't defined, but yes, ⍺← is essentially syntactic sugar for an if statement.
@B.Wilson Why and not the more obvious ×?
@Adám Is this a design decision or limitation? Something like a b←⍺←∘∘∘ could potentially be useful. At the very least, the docs don't explicitly point out the need to be the in line head position.
@Adám When building masks, binary ops feel more natural/obvious than arithmetic, IMHO. There's also a nice symmetry with 1∨X.
I'm also a fan of comparison ops in a binary context, e.g. (a<b)≡b∧~a, (a≤b)≡b∨~a etc.
10:06 AM
hi, does anyone know where to find a digital copy of «Mathematics and Programming» by Iverson? the short description in https://aplwiki.com/wiki/Books sounds very compelling

it's missing from APL Books on archive.org and other places I tried searching
@B.Wilson What would b←⍺←∘∘∘ do? Please raise the docs issue in Mantis.
@B.Wilson X≠X and X=X or ≠⍨X and =⍨X :-)
10:22 AM
@Adám Exactly! :)
@Adám In terms of syntax for "setting a default ⍺", then a b←⍺←∘∘∘ would destructure into a and b, while providing a default at the same time.
@B.Wilson Oh, you meant ∘∘∘ as an ellipsis. Yes, occasionally I've wanted that.

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