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@RubenVerg I think they're good. Only problem is that with just this image the grouping into two combinators isn't visually obvious, almost looks like the middle G and F should go together giving three groups. Might be fine in context, or you could need more space between them.
I think it'd be confusing without the top lines, and I don't have a better way to do that (grey out the unused function?). There's the option of putting those lines on every diagram of course.
@Silas right seems I have heard similar issues on other CEF programs
10 hours later…
@Marshall yeah, maybe I could put them in a table so that they have a border separating them
@Marshall I don't think it's necessary for others, I only have the line for the ones where you can't tell what the result is (Same, Left, Right, monad and dyad Constant)
6 hours later…
@Marshall it now looks like this:
2 hours later…
@RubenVerg Center "Monad" and "Dyad" over those diagrams? If the CSS gods allow it, that is.
Looks pretty nice overall though. All the different parts of the page go well together.
3 hours later…
@Marshall hmm, I'm rendering markdown and presumably the only way to make them centered is to make all the headers centered which might not be ideal
maybe I could left-align the images, I think I can do that with markdown tables, tomorrow I'll try
@RubenVerg Is this a website somewhere?
not yet, I'll probably make it public once I release the next tinyapl post which describes the documentation
but if you want to read the descriptions you can check the part 6 branch of the tinyapl repo, under docs/pages/primitives
idk if GitHub correctly renders the markdown though (I'm pretty sure images aren't going to work, for example)
but the post is almost done, if you wait some days it'll be public
and of course you're gonna find 1000 mistakes (:
which is a good thing, of course!

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