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I don't know when this update occurred in RIDE but error messages seem much more verbose and easy to understand. I really appreciate this.
Never mind I was just looking at the error for deal. Still seeing errors like RANK ERROR that i need to look up.
2 hours later…
@B.Wilson We're mostly going to be indoors, and I never noticed the temperature inside Konventum, which probably means it is reasonable (22°). For outdoors, the main concern should be to handle wind and rain, then you can always just add a layer below if cold. Note that most participants will need to briefly traverse the outdoors between their room and the common areas, and the Viking Challenge may involve outdoor activity.
@Jeremygee (Not related to RIDE at all, but rather to the actual language interpreter.) We're always working on improving those messages, so they don't just say XYZ ERROR but follow that with : details on what went wrong. Suggestions are welcome.
1 hour later…
Q: Access-Control-Allow-Origin issue for react frontend application

Mitali PatilAccess to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://account-dev/' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Getting this error when I am trying to run react frontend application

8 hours later…
@user1418115 You should have acces now. I highly recommend familiarising yourself with apl.wiki/APL_Orchard#Features
So I'm working through @xpqz's book He has a simple example on rank.
m ← 3 3⍴27?27
I'm trying to figure out. what the right tack is doing in this case and why It can't just be:
When I do this I get a Syntax Error. Missing right argument ^ pointing at drop.
Not sure what the error should be. But I like that with Deal:
DOMAIN ERROR: Deal right argument must be greater than or equal to the left argument
It gives more information and a way to fix it.
@Jeremygee If not for it, 2 m would be a single (strand) array, which would be the operand to so you have "argument derived-function" missing a right argument.
Also was curious if there is already a way in ride to look up the definitions page for each glyph.
Like I could type ]D Rank and go to
@Jeremygee Not ]d but ]help
But you can also just press F1 after typing a glyph.
ahh good to know.
@Adám How does this relate to the Syntax error for drop?
It isn't pointing at just but rather at the beginning of the derived function ↓⍤2 m which is the function in the final "array function" phrase which is missing a right argument.
@Adám ah ha! I was always considering those to be one glyph at a time. Enlightening.
Right, compare:
It points at the beginning of the failing function.
That makes sense. So it indicates the Glyph and everything to the right of it to be part of the error.
Not sure if that makes SYNTAX ERROR any clearer though.
When I do 4 ↓ I get the same syntax error.
For the Domain Error example just adding part of the definition could provide some clarity ex.
DOMAIN ERROR: Variable is not of the correct type, or its numeric value is outside the range of permitted values
Or just a link to the Docs for syntax error since there is such a large range of possibilities
Blue sky idea: Possibly a toggle for more verbose Error Messages.
@Jeremygee Right, I really want this too. Please email support@ with as many examples as you wish for better messages
Will do.
Sent. :)
7 hours later…
@Jeremygee If something like this gets added, I really hope there's a way to toggle it off. You're totally right that it's a bit painful at the beginning, but I can assure you that the current terse messages will be all you need after you muck about with Dyalog for a while.

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