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3:42 AM
@dzaima Is this a bug?
> f←{2|2⍟⍵:20⋄30}
{2 | 2 ⍟ ⍵ : 20 ⋄ 30}
> f 8
> f 4
> f 16
> 2|2⍟8
> 2|2⍟4
I have no clue why this is printing 30 for any multiple of 2
it should return 20 for 8 and 30 for 4
<moon-child> y
lol what
<moon-child> sorry, typo'd. Anyway in dzaima/apl you need to use c:←t⋄f to get the same behaviour as dyalog
wait what does that do
<moon-child> ←t is return immediately with t
3:55 AM
ogh okokok
4:18 AM
@Adám can I borrow this for an answer
2 hours later…
6:17 AM
@Razetime uh, sure.
6:42 AM
<loke[m]> Test
<loke[m]> Oh, it works. I can use Matrix to connect to the IRC channel.
<loke[m]> The Matrix channel didn't exist, but if I joined it anyway it got created and now it works. Just join #freenode_#apl:matrix.org and it works.
Just testing the latency between SE chat and Matrix.
Sorry, just one more test.
<loke[m]> So, about 4 seconds. That's acceptable I think. The bigger issue is probably that if I do a message edit on one side, that will come out like this
<loke[m]> * So, about 4 seconds. That's acceptable I think. The bigger issue is probably that if I do a message edit on one side, that will come out like this (this message is edited).
6:52 AM
not bad
that makes editing apl code much better
Yeah, but that's edits from Matrix. Matrix has a much better IRC integration than the SE chat bot (edited to see what it looks like in the other direction).
Yeah, that's what I feared. Edits on SE chat side does not show up at all on the IRC (and hence, Matrix) side.
<loke[m]> ACTION sent a long message: < matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/… >
<loke[m]> Oh, so that's what it looks like. At least people can see it.
<loke[m]> This is what it looks like on Matrix (pasting inline image)
<loke[m]> ACTION uploaded an image: image.png (44KiB) < matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/dhsdevelopments.com/… >
7:08 AM
good, except for some stray control characters
I remember a previous bot could detect message edits on SE chat
it can, it's a websocket event like everything else is
so yea it's just an incomplete impl of SE <-> matrix bridge i guess
8:04 AM
@Razetime Fractalised?
dragon spiraled
8:20 AM
<loke[m]> What would be really neat is a bridge that directly links Matrix and SE chat. All the API's are available and writing one wouldn't be overly difficult.
<loke[m]> I'd do it if it wasn't for the fact that I still have stuff on my todo list for both KAP and Climaxima. The latter of which have led me down the rabbithole of starting to implement a GTK backend for McCLIM.
<abrudz[m]> Oh, loke=Elias, I didn't realise :-)
<loke[m]> Hah, yeah. Sorry about that. :-)
<abrudz[m]> Latency seems low to me.
<loke[m]> It's not too bad. I keep an IRC window open as well and it's indeed not bad.
<loke[m]> The message appears on IRC in less than a second, and then another second to reach SE chat.
Seems faster than that to me.
I'm guessing it's just a bit random.
OK, so now people can use any IRC client, including Matrix, but only on the Freenode channel. Final step is getting the Freenode channel joined with the Matrix channel, so all three are unified. … and we will have achieved global unification. Finally, there shall be peace in the galaxy.
8:37 AM
@Adám all it takes to start a war is to mention that ⎕io should be 0 ..oops
@ngn is that an actual topic of debate?
@Razetime only in apl
2 hours later…
10:33 AM
Happy Holidays, APLers. I've learnt a lot from you over the last year -- many thanks for that. I'll be back for more on the other side...
2 hours later…
12:19 PM
@DyalogAPL (@EliasMårtenson @Adám) my progress
(ignore that i typo'd ---strikethrough--- and didn't use <del>del<del/> on the matrix side, but they do work ._.)
@dzaima Wait what? Is that a Matrix connector?
@EliasMårtenson something like that, yeah
Finally, the dream will come true. There'll be nothing to stop us this time!
(doesn't yet puppet on the matrix side, that's still on the todo list)
12:23 PM
If you get this working, then moon-child's bot doesn't need to relay to/from IRC, and can just take care of APL evaluation.
the matrix interface was so nice to work with that i just wrote my own java interface to it. The SE side though, i just stdin/outted chatexchange like moonchild's bot (a bit modified so i have a way to get send message ids back)
I'm thinking it is better to have a single system take care of the connections, not to get any runaway situations…
@Adám ah, by a matrix IRC integration? :D
@dzaima Yes. That's already done.
i first thought that grouping both into one user's messages here would be bad, but that's actually beneficial if anything
12:27 PM
So your system would relay from SE to two Matrix channels, and from Matrix:Freenode to SE and pure-Matrix, and from pure-Matrix to SE and Matrix:Freenode.
Now we just need to make the eval bot react to code edits.
@Adám that just needs hooking Dyalog into this
(having a separate user here for matrix and APL evaluation would be nice however, and my system is really underprepared for >1 user)
@dzaima Oh, moon-child can do it. The bot is intentionally ignoring edits not to flood IRC with tiny edit messages. But if it becomes an exclusive eval bot, then all edits are obviously important.
@dzaima We were already planning that.
<loke[m]> At least if you run out your own matrix server you can create users that match the SE chat users can't you?
12:32 PM
loke[m]: that'd require me running a public-facing matrix server
<loke[m]> That's not a problem. I already run one.
(oh my IRC reply replacer doesn't quite work for the matrix replies)
<dzaima[m]> <APLBot "<dzaima> loke: that'd require me"> oh wait no that actually worked wonderfully, huh
@Adám that sounds complicated. i assumed there'd be only one room, both main discussion and both interfaces?
12:39 PM
@dzaima Elias by mistake abandoned the IRC channel, so it has no owner, and thus cannot be connected with the Matrix channel :-( We have three ways to fix this (of which number 3 is a bandage, not a fix): 1. Get everyone out of the IRC channel at the same time, so it can be reset (unlikely to happen, as people have lingering bots) 2. Petition the operators to reset the room 3. relay messages.
@Adám that's a problem with the IRC side, not the matrix one, no?
<loke[m]> Actually that has been fixed now
Really‽ How?
<loke[m]> I was able to link the IRC channel with Matrix which is what I'm using right now (since I'm on mobile at the moment)
<loke[m]> The room didn't exist, but if I still tried to join the nonexistent room, it got created automatically.
12:43 PM
So now the Freenode and the pure Matrix rooms can be joined?
1:01 PM
@Adám No. The Freenode integration on matrix.org only links each Freenote IRC channel to a specific Matrix room. The Matrix room name always follows the pattern #freenode_#channelname:matrix.org
The APL channel you went to on Matrix is called #apl:matrix.org and is a regular Matrix channel.
@EliasMårtenson Oh, but that was already in order. Then I don't understand what the problem was.
It's in order now. It wasn't in order yesterday because I did not know how to enable the link between Matrix an Freenode for a given channel. It didn't seem to work, so at the time I assumed the channel had to be registered.
Turns out, it was possible to get it to work without having the channel registered on Freenode.
It was ridiculously easy. All I had to do was to click one extra time on the join button to tell Matrix that I really wanted to have the room created.
<abrudz[m]> I was here yesterday.
<lokedhs> That's how I can chat from Matrix here, and everybody sees it.
<lokedhs> In any case, the situation isn't ideal, since Matrix messages are filtered through IRC. If we can use the dzaima bot to link #apl:matrix.org directly to SE chat, the integration will be much more seamless.
And we anyway need it to integrate the pure-Matrix room.
but the IRC and matrix+SE rooms will still be separate
1:06 PM
@dzaima What?
@Adám there's still #freenode_#channelname:matrix.org and #apl:matrix.org which are separate matrix rooms
@dzaima Yes, but you can bridge those, no?
@Adám i mean, i guess
3 hours later…
3:42 PM
⍒ ⍋⍛ ⍒⍒⍒⍤⍥
apl nativity scene :)
4:05 PM
@ngn what does this mean
4:29 PM
@Razetime it's a joke
joseph mary jesus ⍒⍒⍒3wisemen donkey ox star
4:48 PM
You should become an artist!
Has anyone listened to any episodes of the ADSP podcast? In the latest few episodes Conor Hoekstra has talked quite a bit about APL
5:12 PM
this podcast looks cool
5:23 PM
{0=⍵: ⍺ ⋄ ⍵} easiest way of doing this?
{⍵ or ⍺} in python lol
@rak1507 something like ⊢+⊣×0=⊢?
@rak1507 what assumptions we can make about ⍺ and ⍵?
integers I guess
>= 0
5:35 PM
@dzaima that's a good one!
i was preparing to post ,⊥⍨0=⊢
Ah yeah that's really nice
Thanks both
@dzaima args should be swapped there, btw
in the podcast conor asked about how someone would implement a flood fill thing replacing nulls with the last non null element before
the answer was a scan, so I was trying to do it in APL
`(⊃∘⌽0~⍨,)` works (0 is the 'null' here)
⊃,~> (swapped args) or ⊃,⍨~<
5:42 PM
4 (⊃,~>) 1
Ah swapped args
@rak1507 it works for that case but fails for 1(⊃,~>)0 :(
here's another attempt: ⊃↓,⊣ (swapped args)
6:08 PM
@rak1507 this?
@rak1507 i feel dumb - i can't figure out how to download it
Not sure, I listened to it on my phone, maybe there's a link to it in source you can find?
@rak1507 thanks
Also from that podcast: dyadic ⌽ implemented in terms of monadic ⌽

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