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03:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

10:00 PM
@MilkyWay90 Makes sense?
what do you mean by monadic fold?
like +/3 would be 3+3?
@MilkyWay90 That the derived function is a monadic function. And what / does is to make a folding function of its operand.
No, +/3 1 4 is 3+1+4
¨ is a monadic operator that takes its operand and makes it into a mapping function. We call ¨ each.
So to sum integers from 1 to 100, you would do this:
10:02 PM
@MilkyWay90 5050
⎕←{⍵ ⍵}3 ⋄ ⎕←{⍵ ⍵}¨3 1 4
3 3
│3 3│1 1│4 4│
I think I get it
⎕←{((0 = 15 5 3 | ⍵) ⍳ 1) ⊃ 'FizzBuzz' 'Buzz' 'Fizz' ⍵}¨⍳20
10:04 PM
Sorry. I should have let you have the pleasure.
⋄ D←{((0 = 15 5 3 | ⍵) ⍳ 1) ⊃ 'FizzBuzz' 'Buzz' 'Fizz' ⍵} ⋄ ⎕← D¨⍳100
oh whoops
And the close brace is in the wrong spot again.
And you're back to post-fix . Copy-paste much?
10:05 PM
⋄ D←{((0 = 15 5 3 | ⍵) ⍳ 1) ⊃ 'FizzBuzz' 'Buzz' 'Fizz' ⍵} ⋄ ⎕← D¨⍳100
Copy-pasted the wrong program, whoops
That looks good.
Wow, I've learned a whole lot in one day
Yes, APL is very easy to learn. Up for more or have you had enough for today?
10:07 PM
up for more
How about writing a function that tells me whether its argument is a prime or not?
You actually know enough to do so already. Do you want to try by yourself, or do you want guidance?
@MilkyWay90 pco? You're cheating?
@Adám Wait, that's cheating?
ok, I'll try without pco
Yeah, try just using the things you've learned here. Do you know what a prime is?
10:09 PM
yes, why not
Tell me.
A number that is divisible by only one and that number
Right. What does "is divisible by" mean?
if the remainder of that number is 0
Right. So you'd have to check divisibility of the target number and all numbers (until that number).
10:11 PM
And then you need to check if only two numbers divide it. I.e. 1 and that number itself.
Go for it. What would the first step look like in APL, given N?
@adelidris Hi. Long time no see. How goes it?
probably ⍳N
@MilkyWay90 Right, that gives us "all the numbers until that number". Now what?
10:13 PM
then a list of 0=⍳N|100
unless the 100 and ⍳N are switched
Right, but don't forget your parens.
Well, 100 would be N, no?
Because you are checking if N can be divided by all the numbers until N, no?
10:15 PM
Where did 100 come from?
I think I just had a "brainfart"
@MilkyWay90 That's almost right, but you do mean 0=(⍳N)|N, no?
Oh yeah
OK, this gives us a Boolean list indicating which numbers divide N evenly. Now what?
10:17 PM
and then
we need to count all 1s
@MilkyWay90 Right. How might we accomplish that?
Remember, Booleans are just numbers (0 and 1) in APL.
oh yeah sum it
and see if it's equal to 2
You got it! Write it out, please.
10:20 PM
As a function:
Spot on.
I'll try seeing if I can solve a simple PPCG challenge
Q: Print a 10 by 10 grid of asterisks

Leaky NunBackground This is a standard textbook example to demonstrate for loops. This is one of the first programs I learnt when I started learning programming ~10 years ago. Task You are to print this exact text: ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *********...

@MilkyWay90 For that, you need to know more about APL's array model, and another function too.
oh okay
@MilkyWay90 I suggest you look at the chat lessons.
10:25 PM
I'll learn more before attempting a challenge
@MilkyWay90 This one is easy (and already solved in APL, so don't peek):
Q: Parallel resistance in electric circuits

Stewie GriffinIntroduction: Two resistors, R1 and R2, in parallel (denoted R1 || R2) have a combined resistance Rp given as: $$R_{P_2} = \frac{R_1\cdot R_2}{R_1+R_2}$$ or as suggested in comments: $$R_{P_2} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{R_1} + \frac{1}{R_2}}$$ Three resistors, R1, R2 and R3 in parallel (R1 || R2 ||...

You know all you need.
@Adám Are anonymous functions allowed?
wait nvm, they are allowed by default
Ok, I found a solution
That's it.
10:34 PM
Was just a few bytes more than the other answer:
4 vs 7 bytes
Yes, and that answer uses a couple of more advanced golfing tricks.
11:09 PM
⎕←2=+/0=(⍳|⊢) 7
a train version, I think
@TessellatingHeckler Almost, but 0=+/ is problematic. However, it s safe to use 1⊥ instead of +/
2=1⊥0=⍳|⊢ is indeed a train.
Alternatively, you can combine +/ with =: 2=0+.=⍳|⊢
@TessellatingHeckler This latter version is the one used on APLcart.
@Adám I wasn't thinking the whole thing to be a train, only the (⍳|⊢) part "a version with a train"; is that what you mean by 0= being problematic in describing the whole thing as a train? Or what else might it cause as a problem?
⎕←0=(⍳|⊢) 7
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
11:21 PM
that's a binary number for 65
⎕←1⊥0=(⍳|⊢) 7
03:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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