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1:05 AM
Oh, nice, ento. Thanks.
1:51 AM
6 hours later…
7:38 AM
8:01 AM
hello again :)
tento wa dou desu ka? :)
"dou" wa nan desu ka?
"how" (more or less)
Oh! @hippietrail, while you're here, would you mind adding feeds for the new questions on main and meta to the chat?
8:20 AM
i could give up ownership of the chatroom if i knew how
or just tell me what to do. i'm doing lots of other stuff while multitasking
where should this feeds tab be? i can't see it here in the chat window
Click on "info" in the right panel, go to the "feeds" tab. Add then add two, one with url japanese.stackexchange.com/feeds and one with url meta.japanese.stackexchange.com/feeds and choose post as messages for each
Alternately, after clicking on "info" you can go to the "access" tab and give me access, and I'll do it myself. :)
done it!
Awesome! Thanks :)
8:39 AM
Q: Meaning of ぎゃほ ?

Nicolas RaoulWhat does the interjection ぎゃほ mean? Context: A: We are mentioned in (famous newspaper) B: ぎゃほ! かんどう====333 Does it have the meaning of かんどう ? Or is it surprise, or something else?

Q: Are there words so bad thay they aren't allowed on television?

Dave M GWarning: We're all adults here, but just in case, this question may contain words, in both Japanese and English, that some may not like to read. A long time ago, when I was working with a translator, a native Japanese speaker, the term 気違い 【きちがい】 ("insane person") came up. She told me it was one...

posted on July 20, 2011 by Lukman

In all the anime and j-drama I have watched all these years, as far as I can remember, the only scenario where the greeting 「ごめんください」 is used is when the characters are in front of an ajar or open door of a house calling the residents out, like 「ごめんください! だれかいませんか?」. I also remember some scenes where this greeting was used in phone calls, although I can't recall whether it was in th

Q: けど at the end of the sentence?

Anton StrogonoffAccording to dictionaries, 「けど」 means ‘but’, ‘although’, ‘however’. However, it seems to have slightly another meaning at the end of the sentence. For example, here are few example sentences with their approximate translations (correct me if I'm wrong): 「まあ、いいけど。」 — ‘I guess, it's okay.’ 「お話があ...

Q: General applicability of the ~ませ conjugation

LukmanI have only found the ~ませ conjugation used in the following honorific verbs: いらっしゃいませ くださいませ なさいませ Can the conjugation be applied to other honorific verbs, like おっしゃいませ or めしあがりませ? Or even common verbs, like がんばりませ or つづきませ?

Q: What is "too localized" for our community?

rintaunIn the comments of the question Who is the subject in various parts of this song?, I commented that the question seemed too localized. I have always understood the "localization" of a question to be a function (essentially) of the number of people it has the potential to help in the future. If it...

Q: What notation should we use for showing the intonation of words?

rintaunJapanese, as I imagine most (if not all) of you are aware, has a pitch accent intonation system, which essentially means that the pitch pattern of a word can be and is often a very important factor in determining its meaning1. As this site grows, I can foresee the number of intonation-related que...

Q: Make tag [language-shifts] a synonym of [language-change]

Mechanical snailI don't have the needed permissions to do it myself.

Q: What to do about questions that have degraded because of derogatory comments

Mark HosangIs there anything that can be done outside of flagging specific comments? I am looking for something like closely a question because the author has been too combative and derogatory in his comments that personally makes me want to remove the question and it's entirety of the site as nothing goo...

Q: How should tweets be formatted and filtered for this site?

Dave M GWithout mentioning names, some users seem to just post entire tweets looking for translations, and I think there are some issues here. First, I am not against tweets as a source of study. It can be good source of natural, commonly occurring Japanese, which is exactly what we want. However, if a...

1 hour later…
10:01 AM
Q: What is the Japanese term for a gamer?

Amplify91As in "some one who plays video games". Could I just use ゲーマー?

1 hour later…
11:01 AM
Q: Bugs in Markdown with Japanese text

rintaun Related: Markdown parser doesn't understand URLs with Japanese Related: Issues with bolding There are several bugs in the Markdown parser that stem from use with Japanese text, which is a) not ASCII, and b) not space-delimited. While there are work-arounds for the current known issu...

2 hours later…
1:07 PM
Q: What is the こと in sentences such as あなたのことが好きだ?

Derek SchaabWhen learning the phrase "I like X", everyone learns "Xが好きだ". But if X is a pronoun, you sometimes see こと: あなたが好きだ。 → あなたのことが好きだ。 What purpose does こと serve here? I know that in subordinate clauses, こと can eliminate ambiguity: 彼が好きな人 "a person he likes" or "a person who likes him" ...

2 hours later…
2:40 PM
@StackExchange Man, that has always bugged me. I've kinda come to assume it was "the things about X," but I have no real basis for that.
lol @StackExchange
didn't expect it to come up like that
(even though in retrospect, it makes perfect sense...)
3:18 PM
@rintaun There you go... talking to the bots again >_>
3:29 PM
lol @jkerian
that's me ;)
3:59 PM
@rintaun I decided to accept your answer, but you might find the comment interesting
@jkerian Oh, that is quite interesting.
It's a shade of meaning I hadn't considered before, but a cursory google search does tend to encourage that interpretation
The vast majority of the early fuyasu results relate to money
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. It was so difficult to compare the meanings, and I couldn't really figure out why... but thesauruses seemed to take for granted that they were somehow different.
I actually started a bit of a lively debate between two native speakers here... the "nezumi" example is what actually won over the skeptical side
4:16 PM
Wow, that's pretty interesting
I like the nezumi argument. It's quite a good point.
heh... listening to veoh.com/watch/v17247120dbgfDmeK at work atm
lol nice
It's somewhat above my ability... but I can still follow it somewhat
oh hey, that's unjash
4:21 PM
they're pretty awesome
the two guys are a manzai duo called アンジャッシュ
I make a point of not knowing anything about celebrities, American or otherwise
i only know of them because they're funny ^^
although I probably should learn something about "on air" japanese personalities, just for small-talk purposes
hehe, i was surprised because i usually don't know anybody

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