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@bwDraco Maybe they'll take away the stop from Rhonas :(
Though I do imagine that it is related to "can't attack unless" abilities.
1 hour later…
Some Brawl "hell queue" fun...Opponent had mana for one counterspell. I play a few mana dorks, then tap Nykthos for eight {G}. Six of this was spent to cast my commander (with commander tax), and unsurprisingly, it gets countered. Little did my opponent know I had a Craterhoof Behemoth in hand and still had enough mana to cast it...
Magic is a game of information. What you know and don't know is often decisive.
> I tap Nykthos for eight {G} and spend six to cast Fynn.
> In response, Disruption Protocol.
> (counts untapped lands and mana dorks, tapping as needed) With two {G} mana left in mana pool... I cast Craterhoof Behemoth.
I attack with all, and my opponent doesn't bother with declaring blockers.
Mana dorks that cost only {G} are effectively free when you have Nykthos because of the devotion mechanic, and they serve to buff Craterhoof.
8 hours later…
Next up... I hope to return to Standard, and I'm planning to build a rotation-ready mono-red burn deck. I haven't had much experience with red lately, so this will be fun.

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