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@JoeW I wanted to discuss boardgames.stackexchange.com/a/60998/2537 without extending the comments section even more. I'm concerned that clearing out the comments will not resolve the problem because people who have the criticism voiced there will not see that it has already been stated, and may be more likely to comment. And I do not feel comfortable putting mod weight behind invalidating that criticism.
Honestly, I don't understand the strength of your opposition to making the change requested. I don't see that it would detract from the answer to say something to the effect of "Up to 2 also allows for finding 0 lands, though that serves no purpose with this card."
@murgatroid99 I just find it frustrating that I have explained that I don't want to edit something into my answer and people keep coming back and posting yet another comment on why I should make that edit.
I have posted my stance on that answer and I keep getting inbox notifications from someone new trying to convince me to change my answer and at this point it feels like harassment.
At this point my issue isn't if I edit that into the answer or not but the repeated comments trying to get me to change my mind after I have stated my intentions
The basic problem here is that if people disagree with your reasons for not making the edit, reiterating those reasons will not get them to change their minds.
I think you should give serious consideration to the possibility that if 7 different people (multiple of whom are experienced users here) agree with each other and disagree with you, maybe they have a better point than you do.
That makes it okay for people to keep requesting that I make a change even after I have stated that I don't want to make it? One person even suggested they would continue until I make the change.
@murgatroid99 So I should just get spammed with inbox notifications until they give up?
@JoeW Or make the change. That is an option available to you that will resolve this situation.
@murgatroid99 I don't see why I should be forced to make an edit I don't feel is needed in order to stop people from pinging me about a change they want.
@JoeW First, to address this point before we get too far away from it, it's not wrong for people to chime in to agree with others, or to engage in discussion. If a single user repeatedly posted comments not as part of a conversation but simply to keep pinging you, I would consider that inappropriate.
I guess I will just keep responding to people who want to chime in that I should make a change with the fact that I do not intend to.
@JoeW If you keep responding to people, that gives them a reason to keep responding to you. Disengaging from the conversation is probably the best way to minimize your inbox notifications.
Okay I give in, since everyone seems to be so up in arms about me not including something in my answer I will roll it back
But I just find it very frustrating that people keep spamming me after I have explained why I did what I did with my answer
@JoeW I think it might help to try to see it from their perspective. No individual person other than you posted more than 3 comments. Each of those people independently came to the answer, saw a suggested change that they agreed with and (after the first one) a reason for not accepting it that they disagree with, so they chimed in to bolster the suggestion they agreed with. And then maybe engaged in a short back-and-forth.
No individual person was spamming you. Your experience of getting spammed was just the collective result of several individual people independently engaging with the post at a reasonable level.

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