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4:11 AM
Yesterday I thought maybe it's too new so they haven't updated the Gatherer, but apparently the card is over three years old
I can't even manually figure out a URL that leads to the correct Gatherer page
@bwDraco That is some resolution! Are you playing Arena at 8K? Looks fun.
4 hours later…
8:41 AM
+2 Mace is not on Gatherer at all, and it never has been
10 hours later…
6:42 PM
@Rainbolt Galazy Z Fold4
Hence the weird aspect ratio
Also... would 19 lands be too few in a deck that runs four copies of Dark Ritual and two of Troll of Khazad-dûm? (The land count was 20 before the Trolls were added.)
(an additional target for Reanimate with swampcycling)
The deck as it stands now...
7:36 PM
19 and 20 is too close for me to be able to make a judgement call without playing the hell out of that deck. Then you know when you need to hit certain breakpoints, and how critical it is when you don't.

You can get some stats from https://www.mtgnexus.com/tools/drawodds/.

40% chance to have at least 1 Dark Ritual in your opening hand.
(19 lands) 60% chance to have 3 lands by turn 3.
(20 lands) 64% chance to have 3 lands by turn 3.
That's not considering mulligans.
I chose 3 because I'm just assuming that if the Cynical Loner plan doesn't pan out, that playing Lili on turn 3 is the next best game plan.
And then if Lili doesn't pan out, I guess Obliterator is the third game plan.
Yeah, that's about right, though FWIW I tend to consider T2 Dark Ritual into Obliterator as the preferred fallback strategy.
I guess I'll just have to see how things pan out in the Timeless ladder.
Like I said...
yesterday, by bwDraco
Combo decks, including reanimator decks, are extremely dependent on the opening hand and the first few draws, and I've had my share of games where I just couldn't find a single copy of Reanimate even 5+ turns in.
So I'm far more willing to mulligan with this deck than anything else I've played.
Reanimator decks are fickle by nature.

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