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Q: Punishment for false testimony favoring the accused

Maurice MizrahiOne of the Ten Commandments is: "Don't give false testimony". This is generally understood as falsely testifying the accused is guilty, when he is innocent. One penalty is that the false witness, if caught, is given the same penalty the accused would have gotten had he been found guilty. But wh...

4 hours later…
Q: Searching Torah

AngieShalom to all. I want to search the entire writen Torah [the 5 books] for possible 3 consecutive words with 3 specific letter of Hebrew alphabet based on my choice. Is there any website or program that does this? Example: 3 alphabet letter of Vav, vav, vav can be found in the begining of each of ...

3 hours later…
Q: Procedure for repeating aliyot on shabbat

JohoodI heard that if there are more than seven people who require an Aliyah on shabbat, one may add an additional Aliyah to the reading. What is the correct procedure for doing so? Should one repeat the same Aliyah? or split an Aliyah into multiple? If so how long must each Aliyah be?

7 hours later…
@RabbiKaii any opinion perhaps on the first question I asked here: judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/141831/… ?
@Harel13 A couple of ideas of where to look (including something I am working through right now, so might comment if it bears fruit re your q)
@RabbiKaii thanks, if you find anything I'd be happy to hear.
1 hour later…
@RabbiKaii One of my personal proyects is exploring the situation where Jesus acted in a non-jewish way. While being a prophet is in line with jewish culture, saying “Take and eat; this is My body.” (Matthew 26:26) looks like a violation of several laws in Torah (human sacrifice, dietary laws, etc). Probably this has being well covered. Can you give some pointers to study?
@CandidMoe hi mate, what are you looking to study? Something about the falsehood of J, or research into those 2 specific laws? Either way, I'm probably not the world's biggest expert, my limited knowledge of anti-missionary study is perhaps a bit above average for this site, but I am definitely not an expert. I assume you've heard of Tovia Singer and Michael Skobec? They are both world expert rabbis in the falsehood of christianity
@RabbiKaii Of course, fan of both. Love these guys.
@CandidMoe Has neither of them got anything on this issue? I have Tovia's course books, I can have a look if you want? Eating the flesh is a Catholic issue, I believe Protestants distances themselves from it.
@RabbiKaii More than errors or contradiction, are ideas out of character for a jew. How can a rabbi says "on this rock I will build my church"?
Another one: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" It looks like he put himself as a mediator between G-d and humankind.
I doubt that Jesus could have said such a thing; it must be a later invention.
@CandidMoe very interesting project. I (and anyone else reading I hope) will let you know if I find anything that will help you
The idea of there being an intermediary between us and Hashem is going to be one that has a lot of difficulty establishing. In part, because of how hot a topic it is (look up "shittuf"). It reeks of Avodah Zara on the one hand, but on the other, it depends. We have an idea of reliance on Tzaddikim, for example. Certainly, the way Christians rely on J is in violation of even the most lenient opinions on this topic.
good luck, it sounds like a worthwhile thing to do in my humble opinion.
@CandidMoe Things that come to mind. 1. NT belittles the pharisees. This is a very anti-halacha move. 2. NT (esp. Paul) cancels Mitzvot. Both of those are relevant to your question. Perhaps you want to explore the line of research that tries to isolate the most authentic J-isms from the more "biographical" stuff, or you want to use the biographies against themselves in a more targeted way than "cancelling all mitzvot is already proof of the inauthenticity of the NT", or something else, but...
...whatever the case, I imagine those 2 points, covered well by Skobac and Singer (I am also a big fan of both!) are highly relevant. That's all I have for now. Good luck again!
Q: What tribe was Shmuel from?

Reb HarveyI’ve seen conflicting answers, one that he was from shevet Efraim and one that he was from shevet Levi. Does anyone have a real source for which it was?

Q: (How) did Rebbi Eliezer and Rebbi Yehoshua survive the destruction of Jerusalem?

rikitikitemboIn Gittin 56a we read the story of how Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai escaped the siege of Jerusalem. He was smuggled out in a coffin borne by his two students Rebbi Eliezer and Rebbi Yehoshua. When he reaches Vespasian he is granted a request to spare Yavneh and its sages from destruction as well as ...

The hatred of the Pharisees (and of everything Jewish) is too intense, it is impossible to change their minds. The abolition of the Law is central to Paul's discourse; a founding idea of ​​Christianity. To address it is to waste time.
One must look for issues where their convictions have not been questioned before, to look for the crack in the wall.
For example, one might say that "no rabbi ever spoke of 'his church,'" or that the concept of 'church' is foreign to Judaism.
But, at the end, there are so many thing unkown to me.

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