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Q: Akhenaten, Monotheism, King Paro, and Midrashim

Rabbi KaiiBackground and Reason I am Asking I would like to know if there is any reason to believe, or disbelieve, that Akhenaten might have been the Pharaoh that faced the plagues. According to the Midrash, he did teshuva, and began trying to spread monotheism. According to historians, Akhenaten also was ...

Q: Positioning the Sefer Torah poles

Eli83I was recently told that while we do gelilah - rolling the Sefer Torah - we always mean to position the "Bereshit" pole higher than "Devarim" pole. Is there any Halacha about it? any sources would be appreciated

2 hours later…
Q: Why was Adam considered unique as a talking creature when the snake could speak as well?

NahumOnkelos renders Bereishis 2:7 וַיִּ֩יצֶר֩ י״י֨ אֱלֹהִ֜ים אֶת⁠־הָֽאָדָ֗ם עָפָר֙ מִן⁠־הָ֣אֲדָמָ֔ה וַיִּפַּ֥ח בְּאַפָּ֖יו נִשְׁמַ֣ת חַיִּ֑ים וַֽיְהִ֥י הָֽאָדָ֖ם לְנֶ֥פֶשׁ חַיָּֽה Hashem, God, formed the man from the dust of the ground and blew in his nostrils a breath of life and the man became a l...

3 hours later…
@HotStuff could this be removed from HNQ perchance
for the attention of @doubleAA judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/145680/…
@RabbiKaii why?
@msh210 I don't want to draw people from outside the Mi Yodeya network ideally, I prefer not dealing with cynical atheists
Not saying everyone outside MY is, but I know the sort that this question might attract and I'd rather avoid it
however, not my decision, leave to you
11 hours later…
Today I discovered the how-to tag!
how's everyone elses day going?
everyone happy and upbeat?
Q: What is the Jewish perspective of natural sciences?

Orthodox Crusader Throughout the centuries Jews have undoubtedly contributed to natural sciences, but I don't really know what the Jewish perspective on natural sciences is, do Jews believe that G-d works through natural science or do they believe that there is a conflict between the Jewish faith and natural scien...

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