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Q: Interpretation of Amulet from Moroccan Rabbi

user99658Rabbi Rafael Ochana (1850-1906), born in Morocco, wrote a book called Mareh HaYeladim (1899?) that has the following design for an amulet, as protection from demons (on p.50, kaf-hey in book): Can someone explain the words/letters and the significance of their arrangement? Magen David and Shmo S...

1 hour later…
Q: Why does Sfas Emes start his commentary on Parshat Noach by saying he doesn't know it? Is the translation faulty?

ThinkingJewSfas Emes begins his commentary on Parshat Noach, according to Sefaria, by saying "I do not properly remember." All the other Parshas begin with some variation of "B'H". Why does he say this here? Is it possible the translation of Sefaria is incorrect?

3 hours later…
Q: Why doesn’t the commandment to obliterate Amalek run afoul of children not dying for their father's sins?

NahumHow does the Torah's command to obliterate Amalek, due to their attack on the Israelites during the Exodus (Shemos 17:8-16, Devarim 25:17-19), align with the principle that "children shall not die for their fathers' sins" (Devarim 24:16)? Is the distinction between the command to obliterate Amale...

1 hour later…
Q: In this page of Ein Yaakov on Sotah, near the bottom of the page, appears the word "Piska" in bold lettering. What does it signify?

tomorwoh38hxIn this page of Ein Yaakov on Sotah, near the bottom of the page appears the word "Piska" in bold lettering. I don't think it's part of the actual Gemara, so what does this signify? Thanks. https://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=67688&st=&pgnum=55

3 hours later…
I got a vote reversal. Someone put 3 answers on a single question and I downvoted all of them, and that got reversed. I am just wondering if there is anything I can do to remove the black mark from my account (if there is one?)
@HotStuff also would be good to remove this controversial question from HNQ
@IsaacMoses @DoubleAA
@RabbiKaii done, thanks
@msh210 thank you
2 hours later…
@RabbiKaii There isn't one.
@IsaacMoses ok great thank you
3 hours later…
@RabbiKaii I started using it as a joke when I was in the army and never really stopped

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