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Q: Book Request: Machshava by Topics

Nochie WolfI am looking for a book that provides an anthology of sources on topics of machshava. Organised and that can be used as a reference book for learning a topic.

Q: Why does the guardian who admits guilt pay more than when his guilt is established by witnesses?

Avrohom YitzchokThe Mishnah Bovo Kamo 9 (7) speaks about a guardian who denies receiving the object he was to look after. If the guardian swore falsely and then wished to atone for his transgression, he must return the object, plus an added fifth and bring a sacrifice. If witnesses testify against him that he c...

13 hours later…
Q: Job suffering for the misdeeds of his ancestors

Al BerkoThe Torah introduces the idea of intergenerational punishment (Ex 20.5): "For I, your God YHWH, am an impassioned God, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generations of those who reject Me." Moreover, it is unanimously accepted (in Judaism) tha...

Q: Why is Stam Mishna attributed to R' Meir, a fourth-generation Tannah?

Al BerkoIt is widely accepted that "Stam (unattributed) Mishna" is Rabbi Meir's (c. 150 CE, Sanhedrin 86a) who was one of five students of Rabbi Akiva (c. 135 CE). I struggle to understand the implications of this statement: Why is it stated by R' Yohanan who lived some 70-100 years later and not R' Mei...

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