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Hmmmmm... needaneitzah.com
@DoubleAA What on earth?
@HodofHod Is the internet really on earth?
2 hours later…
@HodofHod They have one Maaleh and one Chisaron.
The Maalah is that they discuss only "Kosher" subjects (and therefore would be a more comfortable place for a frum person to hang out). They also avoid any issues of "who will be the next mods, are they going to be frum and keep the site on track or not?"
on the other hand, they allow (and encourage) opinion posting, which makes the site much less valuable than it could be otherwise.
It is a new site, so take it all with a grain of salt
@DoubleAA competition???
I think that a few of those users are sockpuppets.
> Wouldnt it be cool if a Jewish website opened up which allowed us to write opinions instead of just bringing sources?
@ShmuelBrin I much prefer our soured method
@DoubleAA exactly. That's what makes this better than a message board
@ShmuelBrin Answer: no.
@ShmuelBrin Doesn't that already exist? blogger.com
@DoubleAA I also don't believe that he'll attract enough Chareidi experts (especially considering the internat ban and the general distrust of internet in the Chareidi world)
Which is one of the things that he complains about here, that we are too "Modern Orthodox". If Chareidim used the internet for Torah learning, there would be more here and we would have a more Chareidishe tziur.
@ShmuelBrin Maybe by 5878...
Q: weekly topic challenge proposal: grains

msh210I propose grains (wheat, barley, etc.) as a weekly topic. These plants comes up often in Jewish life, such as in m'nachos, re b'rachos before/after eating, on Shabas Shira, and re kil'ayim. I'm thinking specifically about issues concerning individual grains, not things like How big was a tr...

6 hours later…
Hi. Just checking in after a week away. I'm writing this from Ben Gurion; I was supposed to be on a plane two hours ago but apparently I can't have nice things. :-(. Ten (!) hour delay!
Chat is kind of funky on the iPad. For instance, I can't see who is here (Ida anyone).
2 hours later…
@HodofHod: hey :)
@unforgettableid Hullo!
@MonicaCellio There should be a "menu" button. Click that and you should be able to see who's here.
dear all: An interesting thing happened to me recently.
I was up late sleeping on a computer problem, and slept somewhat less than usual. I woke up a little while before Sof Z'man K'riat Sh'ma, put on tefillin, said Sh'ma, and was ready to go back to sleep. Now a client contacted me and wants me to do work.
Let's say that I now pray shacharit then do the work. Does this imply that I find work more important than prayer?
Thanks for pointing out that button, which also led me to "non mobile view". Ah, much better; mobile no longer always means small.
Hmm, my reply didn't come out as a reply. Oops.
@MonicaCellio True. Glad I could help! (I've had a lot of experience with that mobile site.)
dear all: When @HodofHod replied to @MonicaCellio did it somehow notify Monica even though she wasn't in the room?
@unforgettableid Yes.
But only because she had been here recently.
If you leave for extended periods of time, people can no longer "ping" you and have you be notified. Except mods
@unforgettableid Usually. I haven't checked this time specifically. (I'm not currently doing my usual bunches-of-tabs approach to SE.)
@unforgettableid I should say, wants me to call ASAP to fix a problem with an important business server
@unforgettableid I don't follow. You said shacharit first and then worked - what's the issue?
@unforgettableid יהי מורא שמים עליכם כמורא בשר ודם – “May the fear of Heaven be upon you, like the fear of mortal man”- R' Yochanan ben Zakkai
@MonicaCellio If the client didn't call then I would've gone back to sleep and probably prayed later. :)
@MonicaCellio He didn't do the entire shacharis, just shema.
@HodofHod good quote :)
@unforgettableid When his students asked him "and no more than that?" He said, "If only you could have this much!"
@HodofHod So in other words, if the waiting client inspires me to pray sooner, then that's a good thing? :)
@HodofHod Not initially (too early), but I was responding to "let's say I now pray shacharit and then work".
@HodofHod Ah. Having researched the ping topic more, I now see that, if I ping someone using their full and exact username, I can reach their inbox if they were last here anytime within the last seven days. meta.scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/938/…
@unforgettableid And a reply will always ping them. Interesting. Thanks for the linK!
@HodofHod ah, I didn't read the answer I linked carefully enough. Thanks for pointing out that additional fact. :)
3 hours later…
Q: Policy regarding changing questions after a period of time?

Gershon GoldIs there a policy about changing the question after a period of time has passed since asking it and when there are already quality answers?

1 hour later…
Q: Syntax for linking to sources

msh210We've discussed adding link support for citations, so that someone could type, in a question or answer, some shorthand, and the server would expand it to a link to a specific page on mechon-mamre.org or e-daf.com or hebrewbooks.org or he.wikisource.org or wherever. That discussion has not yielde...

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