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@HodofHod they both seem to ask for the identity of the anonymous Baalei HaTosfos
@DoubleAA the answers
@HodofHod sorry, Baal HaTosfos
1 hour later…
@ShmuelBrin One can flag whatever one wants. It's just a way of privately bringing something to the mods' attention.
3 hours later…
@msh210 Are you planning on deleting all non-followable comment threads with Vram? I don't think that's a good idea as, while frustrating, I often find what to gain in the half conversation that is left.
A more worthwhile endeavor IMO is editing all references to vram, l' and eyes to Baal Shemot Tovot so that the threads where he is around are fully readable. I recognize that is a lot of work.
@IsaacMoses do the mods consider that offensive to them?
@ShmuelBrin Oh; sorry. I didn't think to click on your back arrow on your first comment, and I therefore didn't realize at first what you were referring to. I haven't interacted with the Islam mods at all, so I don't know, but it seems clear that the sense of the community is generally not with this user. You could always try flagging and see what happens.
@DoubleAA I don't plan to delete all non-followable comment threads with Vram, no. I do plan to delete such threads as I come across (or see because they're flagged) where the remaining comments are unintelligible without the missing ones. Objections, anyone?
@msh210 Nope.
9 hours later…
@msh210 Nope.
Q: Incentive for Extra Reputation

Adam MoshehI believe that we should try get our programmer friends at StackExchange HQ to program Mi.Yodeya into giving users extra reputation for asking and answering questions that fall into the Weekly Topic Challenge categories. Anything that falls into the certain weekly (or monthly?) tag categories (To...

^^^I don't yet have permission to create tag synonyms, but could someone please propose that nachmanides and ramban be made synonymous, the same way that maimonides and rambam currently are?
Begin Parashat Hashavua' Chat #28 - Balak 5772
Did Balaam hate the Israelites?
Welcome, @HachamGabriel @HodofHod @AdamMosheh
Was Balaam the true arch-nemesis of Moses?
@AdamMosheh As far as I can tell from reading the verses, he was a only a hired thug. But there are certainly midrashim that indicate he sought them harm of his own accord also.
@msh210 - Where can I find some of these midrashim?
@AdamMosheh Not sure. You can try reading through Sh'mos Raba and Bamidbar Raba.
@msh210 - Good idea.
@msh210 - Why Shemot Raba?
2 mins ago, by Adam Mosheh
Was Balaam the true arch-nemesis of Moses?
@AdamMosheh because of the midrash that places him in Egypt before the exodus
@AdamMosheh Hard to answer unless you define the term.
Why does the sidra break after the plague before the reward? Seems like the middle of a story (see especially "Vay'hi achare hamagefa").
@msh210 - What/where are the pesukim?
@AdamMosheh the sidra ends after 25:9. The story it's in the middle of goes from 25:1 to 25:19=26:1.
@AdamMosheh The verse I quoted ("Vay'hi...") is 25:19=26:1.
...which connects directly both to what's before it & to what's after it. So the sidra break should have been before 25, I would have thought.
Now, of course there' s midrash (Rashi 25:1 cites it from the g'mara) that connects 25 to 24. Still, though, it seems better to break before 25 to keep the topics of 25 in one place.
@AdamMosheh That just redirects to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arch-nemesis - why didn't you just link to the latter? Anyway, that defines it as "principal enemy", but that doesn't really help me.
@msh210 - Because I am learning how to use bitly.com
@msh210 - Chief Prophet among the Israelites vs. Chief Prophet among the Nations
@AdamMosheh what does being chief prophet have to do with being an enemy? You seem to be conflating separate things.
@msh210 ...unless perhaps it was done this way specifically to point to the midrash that connects 24 and 25?
@msh210 - Not relevant to Parsha Chat, but how did you quote your own post?
@AdamMosheh When you click the arrow at the lower-right corner of my post, it inserts ":[the number of my post] " at the start of yours. So I simply inserted ":[the number of my post] " at the start of mine and voilà!
@AdamMosheh - Oh, like this!
Okay friends, I must leave for now. Enjoy learning the Parshah together! Goodbye.
End of Parashat Hashavua' Chat #28 - Balak 5772. It's been real.

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