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Has anyone ever seen Pedatzur (the father of Gamliel) written as two words: פדה צור?
1 hour later…
b a
b a
@ba A good idea indeed. But be careful not to rule out all instances of it spelled as one word. My question stems from what I see in Bar Ilan Responsa v17+ where it is spelled as two words only in Bamidbar 7:54 and 10:23. All other instances in Tanach are one word.
1 hour later…
b a
b a
It doesn't appear so from Minchas Shai. And I used the search in responsa.co.il (Bar-Ilan) and found no mention of Pedah Tzur in the Tanach.
@DoubleAA Not that I recall.
why do you ask?
3 hours ago, by Double AA
@ba A good idea indeed. But be careful not to rule out all instances of it spelled as one word. My question stems from what I see in Bar Ilan Responsa v17+ where it is spelled as two words only in Bamidbar 7:54 and 10:23. All other instances in Tanach are one word.
@ba Perhaps it's a bug in v17? Or maybe just my copy?
@Shemmy vram at one point tried to delete his account manually by deleting all his posts and comments. The mods around here went and undeleted his posts, but comments are by nature not undeletable so there a number of comment threads where vram's remarks are lost forever. You are not the first to be frustrated by this. — Double AA 24 mins ago
Q: Incentive for Extra Reputation

Adam MoshehI believe that we should try get our programmer friends at StackExchange HQ to program Mi.Yodeya into giving users extra reputation for asking and answering questions that fall into the Weekly Topic Challenge categories. Anything that falls into the certain weekly (or monthly?) tag categories (To...

10 hours later…
@DoubleAA Its alright I got you covered judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/12460/…
@AdamMosheh ^
@StackExchange - What do you all think about my idea?
@AdamMosheh and all, by all means flag things like "@vram I agree" for deletion as "obsolete" if you see 'em.
We are back in business:
Q: Weekly topic challenge 5772-40: Pirkei Avot

Adam MoshehThis week's topic challenge is Pirkei Avot. You're encouraged to think of and post good questions on this topic. Topic Proposal I propose questions relating to Pirkei Avot as a topic. What is it? There's a single topic that people think about during the week and come up with good question...

1 hour later…
@msh210 Why the sudden change?
@HodofHod I decided to effect it a while ago (based on the vote counts on the question proposing it & the various answers), but there was no weekly challenge. Now there is, so....
Fair nuff. Now, I have to come up with a Pirkei Avos Q.
I'd really like to breathe new life into this question, but I'm not quite sure how. Maybe generalize it to include all of mishnayos? Or keep it only Mishna Avos, but remove the siddur part?
Q: Division of Mishnayos in Pirkei Avos / Meseches Avos

Gershon GoldIn the Siddur, Pirkei Avos has a different division (in each Perek the amount of Mishnayos) than in the Mishnayos Avos. Who determined the division of the Mishnayos in the Siddur?

@HodofHod What's unique about Avos is that it's in the sidur. If you're gonna restrict to Avos, why remove the sidur part?
@msh210 Good point! I had actually had this question a while back, and searched to see if it had been asked, only to find that the q had sort of died...
Techiyas Hameisim!
@HodofHod AKA Revival
@DoubleAA Any ideas?
@HodofHod I suspect LazerA's answer is correct, so generalizing it to all mishnayot sounds OK to me. It's just a matter of sourcing it...
@DoubleAA But it doesn't answer the question of "who?"
@HodofHod Correct, but it makes it largely irrelevant because it he's right then it was probably a printer or some other pragmatic person.
go to trun
@DoubleAA Coulda been a rishon, for example. I don't see that it really answers the Q at all.
@msh210 Wouldn't that make it 'canonical'? I still completely agree it needs a source. I just suspect that he's right.
@DoubleAA depends what's meant by 'canonical' I guess. I thought it (here) meant 'part of the redaction of the mishna'. Your interpretation is certainly valid though.
1 hour later…
@IsaacMoses can one flag a question as offensive if the site owners don't find it offensive?
1 hour later…
Q: Who is the voice of Tosafoth?

Seth JTosafoth were the sons-in-law, grandchildren, and students of Rashi (and their students), and "they" wrote a commentary on the Talmud that is often at odds with Rashi's earlier commentary. Sometimes there are internal disagreements within a single commentary on the passage of Talmud being discus...

@ShmuelBrin I happen to think it's very similar with a lot of overlap, but with enough of a difference to stand on it's own.
Jeff Atwood on November 15, 2010

As Stack Overflow grows — or any other Q&A site in the Stack Exchange network, really — there’s a natural pressure to discover and link duplicate questions. The more questions you have, the higher the possibility a given new question isn’t in fact a new question, but a duplicate of an older existing question. Because of this, we’ve continually enhanced the tools for finding, linking, and merging duplicate questions:

Handling Duplicate Questions Linking Duplicate Questions Improved Question Merging …

@ShmuelBrin I don't know what is offensive about that question.
I would tell them to protect it, because it has the ability to attract offensive answers.

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