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@Rish oh, thanks, maybe that's why. I'd have to check whether that's true of the other number-president street names too. But note that (1) I've never seen Prime Minister N Street, or anything else like that, and (2) there are two Frank streets in J-m and they seem to get along just fine with one another
So I suspect there's more to it than your idea.
5 hours later…
Regarding the debate about late answers. I'm curious about when to say a blessing during a "motzi" meal on fruits in different forms. There's this old question with unsourced answers slightly overlapping my question. Should I offer a bounty on the old one or ask a new one?
@Kazibácsi What are you looking for that doesn't appear in this answer? If you just want better sources, I would be inclined to place a bounty. If you have reason to think that it is incorrect or overly simplified, maybe it's worth asking a new, tightly-focused question (referencing this one).
@JoelK So despite the different question, it partially answers my question, but lacks any sources...
@Kazibácsi Does this question and answer help at all?
@JoelK This is the one I was looking for! Thanks! :-)
@Kazibácsi You're welcome :D
Again, the lack of search synonyms prevented me from finding this one...
4 hours later…
Q: How can Bet Shamai argue on Shamai?

Danny SchoemannHow do we explain that Bet Shammai is documented as arguing on their teacher Shammai? I didn't notice any of the classic Meforshim discussing this peculiarity. There are at least 4 documented cases in Mishnayot: Eduyoth 1:7: בֵּית שַׁמַּאי אוֹמְרִים, רֹבַע עֲצָמוֹת מִן הָעֲצָמִים, בֵּין מ...

10 hours later…
What happens if no one else has the requisite tag score to vote on a tag synonym suggestion?
As in this case.
Where only myself and user6591 have the necessary 5 score, yet four votes are required to confirm the synonym.
(Obviously, moderators can unilaterally create synonyms.)

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