Just for kicks: The first person to identify all five books in my photo in a single comment on this post will receive a 50-rep-point bounty from me if he or she has any answers that (a) I have the technical ability to post such a bounty on and (b) I don't find offensive. (The latter clause is unlikely to be triggered; I added it in just in case.) I'm the sole arbiter of who wins that challenge; terms and conditions apply; see store for details. — msh210 Dec 18 '17 at 0:23
^ (cross-post from chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/14524 ) msh210 gives a puzzle here: identify five books, each of which are partly visible on a photo. We have reasonably confident guesses for four of the books. Of the fifth book, we only see part of the cover art, which shows a girl wearing a dress and a tie or neckkerchief, sitting at a table, holding a cat in her hands, with a chalice and red tablecloth on the table.
Other comments under the one I linked tell the four guesses. msh210 had posed this puzzle months ago, and just advertised it in the Lit SE main chat room chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/1037 . Mithrandir just suggested that the girl's clothing is a uniform for a en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bais_Yaakov Beis Yaakov schoolgirl, which is why I'm posting here.
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