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Are we replacing a mod or just adding a new one?
@Daniel Came here with the same question :)
@Daniel, @Shokhet adding one.
(Whoops, I guess we failed to say that earlier. Sorry!)
A: Moderator Terms

Adam LearLooks like most of this has been covered in comments, but just to make it official: moderator terms are for life unless a moderator resigns or we elect (ha!) to remove them for extended inactivity or misconduct. We review moderators' activity periodically. Those who have been absent for 6 months...

@Daniel @Shokhet
In a nutshell SE's thinking is no reason to lose trained moderators even if they can't be as active or something. You already trained them so what's the harm in keeping them? If a site needs more help just add mods. (A mod who violates the terms of service or something is another story and can be removed.)
11 hours later…
@MonicaCellio Glad to hear it!
@DoubleAA Yeah, I knew that. But I imagine if a mod asks to step down, that could probably be accommodated
@Daniel Oh, yes, of course.
@MonicaCellio Cool, thanks for clarifying. Has anyone announced intentions to run?
@Shokhet Looks like the nomination phase begins on Monday
@Daniel I knew that. I was wondering if anyone said they wanted to run, in an unofficial way. I guess I'll just have to wait till Monday, then.
I haven't seen anybody mention nomination plans. There's no reason people can't informally discuss plans in advance of the actual nominations phase; please do feel free to discuss.
@Daniel @Shokhet I hope both of you are giving the idea some thought. You've both been solid contributors to the site for quite some time. (Other people too, but I'm addressing you two because you brought it up.)
@MonicaCellio Thank you for the compliment; that was very nice :) ...I am thinking about it, but I'm not sure I have enough time in the day to moderate well at this point
@Shokhet fair enough. FWIW, specifically moderating doesn't require huge amounts of time; most of what mods do is stuff power users already do too. So if you're already active in maintaining the site, you're not taking on a big daily commitment. There's some, of course, but there will also be four mods. (SE is very mindful that we're volunteers.)
What I personally look for in a moderator is: solid activity already on "custodial care" including meta, a pattern of helpful comments (especially toward new users), and wisdom -- this last because moderation involves judgement calls; it's why we have moderators at all. Yes yes, also a good level of activity on the site -- but if you care about the site enough to think about being a mod, you're already doing that and that won't change.
I am but one voter and I am not speaking for anybody else. Those are just my own thoughts.

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