What's up with the links that are attached to seemingly random words that link to advertisements? When you hover over them, it says "Powered Text-Enhance" and shows an ad. There's one in my answer here on the word "below" at the end of the first bullet-point which I certainly did not put there my...
@msh210 They're resources that are useful in what we do here. They deserve promotion, and also, the more people here are aware of such resources, the more productive community members they can be.
@msh210 Thanks. Pre-empts an ELU question I'd started writing. The long list of flat comments is a bit much to wade through, but "or the like" jumps out at me as the best available choice in English.
@IsaacMoses I must make sure to use that in the future. Thanks for bringing up the topic and making me find that. (I suppose I should use it italicized, though, as it doesn't seem to have that much currency.)
@IsaacMoses I don't think there's anything wrong with advertising these sites, but I think that for the next month that we have these ads (so far), we should concentrate on advertising our own features (weekly challenge, parasha chat, other things as they come up).
@msh210 Not necessarily. I agree that the local features are more important. Two questions: 1) Are they more important enough to preclude promotion of other resources? 2) Is SE looking for us to use the functionality more broadly during this provisional period?
As you mentioned in your post, the Community Promotion Ads are a perk for graduated sites. A site that has graduated has demonstrated that it has both the community engagement and the traffic to make these ads have real impact and reach. Up until this meta post, we had not seriously considered gi...
@IsaacMoses I don't know how SE (or the community) will take it, but maybe we can arrange cross-ads to different blogs that cater to our crowd (We put an ad for say, hirhurim and they put an ad for us).
@ShmuelBrill I'm sure SE would have no problem with that. I, for one (community member), would applaud that, as long as the sites are appropriate. Hirhurim, parshablog, vel sim. would certainly be worthwhile partners.
@msh210 To back up my note: They like community promotion ads for related resources, and they like getting related blogs to promote us. Why wouldn't they like doing the two together?
It says "for two months: January and February of 2012." I'd assume that means until February 29th. The other source comes to limit that to February 23rd.
I think there's also a gezeira shava I can pull out. I have to check my mesora.
@ShmuelBrill, so, I'd say - Go for it! See if you can pitch the idea to potential partners. Pitch it as a bilateral trial basis until Feb. 23, so that if we lose the feature then, it won't come as an unexpected backing-out.
@msh210 We get a certain number of ad views, so the more ads we have in rotation the less exposure any one will get, yes? If so, we shouldn't dillute the promotion of our own stuff too much since part of the point is to get our own activities in front of people's eyeballs. I'd like to also see reciprocal links (e.g. w/blogs) and broader promotion, but after we get our own stuff more established.