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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

@DoubleAA So based on skimming a packet meant to explain their position to people from a wide range of Jewish knowledge and perspectives which I found from skimming their website, you conclude they have no Jewish basis for their position
but the discussion above has nothing to do specifically with that organization. it has to do with the perspectives of a form of Judaism
Did you all know that:
@CharlesKoppelman chuckle :) chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/19754505#19754505 I don't need to respond further to that.
@IsaacMoses I'll go with "no" for now.
- (1/2) replacing the user ID in a link containing one with current makes the link relevant to the user reading now? e.g. edit your profile
- (2/2) this exists? (Apparently, has for quite a while.)
have fun
> Scimonster is considered a high activity user, up to 0 of their answers could have been considered
bolding in the original :P
@Scimonster Only you can see yours
@IsaacMoses Hm. Well, it says that regardless.
Same thing on SO. Hmm. :/
@Scimonster Weird. The 0 is probably because you weren't a user when it last ran, a year ago (Oh. Not as cool.) I guess the "high activity" comes from somewhere else.
@IsaacMoses Ah.
Missed by 4 days on SO!
@IsaacMoses even I can't see yours
I thought I was omniscient! :(
@Scimonster It wouldn't have had much data if you were just over the line.
@DoubleAA I think this was intended to be mainly a dev tool.
Q: Why isn't the predictor predicting?

BraiamSince "Jan 8 at (more or less) 19:57" the predictor or Tag Future Report hasn't been updated. This could screw more than one Recommended/Interesting tabs of Stack Overflow users. How often does this script run? Will not run anymore? Why it isn't running? When will it start predicting again?

@IsaacMoses True, but at least it wouldn't have been 0.
@DoubleAA My "prefers to answer" group: mi-yodeya-series halacha number product-recommendation tefilla blessing shabbat women how-to hashkafah-philosophy
My "prefers to avoid" group: words passover clothing calendar halacha-theory technology death money eretz-yisrael time
@IsaacMoses huh, interesting! Thanks for sharing that.
is on my list, which means that the tags it considers have have been updated, even if the list of questions hasn't. That's interesting.
@IsaacMoses oh. '14, not '15. Oops.
@Scimonster mine was also 0
Oh caught up now.
Based on 147 answers: My "prefers to answer" group: halacha how-to shabbat gerut-conversion tefilla product-recommendation heterodox gentiles parshanut-torah-comment women
My "prefers to avoid" group: mi-yodeya-series hebrew names passover chanuka jewish-books clothing calendar halacha-theory technology
There are a few tags on my "answer" list that are obvious because they're so general or because of my participation in the MY-series. Other than that, and my liking for how-to, I don't have a great deal of intuitive understanding of these lists.
The Predictor...

Thinks Scimonster prefers, when compared to a typical user, to answer questions tagged:
javascript jquery html css node.js arrays json html5 express ajax
Thinks Scimonster prefers, when compared to a typical user, to avoid questions tagged:
android java c++ iphone python objective-c ios ruby sql c
Let's try again.
Thinks Scimonster prefers, when compared to a typical user, to answer questions tagged:
halacha shabbat tefilla torah-study women blessing hashkafah-philosophy theology history kashrut-kosher
Thinks Scimonster prefers, when compared to a typical user, to avoid questions tagged:
gentiles mi-yodeya-series hebrew names passover product-recommendation chanuka jewish-books clothing calendar
@Scimonster How do you have results now?
@IsaacMoses I had results for tags also.
@IsaacMoses Read the MSE post you linked above. :P The date is only when the algorithm was updated; the data is updated every couple hours.
just 0 considered posts.
@Scimonster so why 0 posts?
@Scimonster Oh, so that number is essentially irrelevant.
I have no idea where it came up with that, since i have never participated i , and have indeed answered in several of my "avoided" tags.
... and the tool is back to being current and cool
I've definitely answered in "avoided" tags. I take this to mean that other people answer a lot more, weighted somehow.
> What "X of their answers could have been considered when the predictor was last updated Y" means is really "when we last trained our prediction engine on Y, they had X answers."
@Scimonster its predicting, scimonster. It knows the future.
Hey, somebody's been going through the tag. Ask me how I know. :-) Please be careful with serial voting...
@MonicaCellio Yup. I was trying to be careful not to click on too many of your posts that i'd have to vote on. :P
@Scimonster 1) Maybe it takes viewing habits into account? 2) Maybe there's some tag-clustering going on. Like "If you like hashkafah, you're gonna love theology."
But the tool seems more accurate with my SO participation, perhaps because i have a lot more answers.
@YeZ I haven't lowercased my username since i was 11. Granted, that wasn't as far back for me as for you, but...
@Scimonster Maybe it looked at this:
> Year after year. Divrei Torah + Questions The above things are good for this is most likely as he doesn't follow one or the other, however. Mishna Brachot 1:3 tells a person there. This is actually similar to personal experience.
> My mother is what Radak says here as well. The Torah uses the male form for the words, and the Sages extrapolated from here that male Amonites and Moavites are banned from the plata (if that's what you're asking about) All three of those issues make it assur (forbidden).
> [Shmirat Shabbat itself Mosif hevel -- adding heat Hatmanah while it's on the plata (if that's what you're asking about)All three of those issues make the seder more interesting for everyone. If you use some of my own idea here. Avraham didn't want Yitzchak to leave the Land and Rashi Ex. 12:12 s.v. כל בכור בארץ מצרים. This meant that there!
(In case anyone felt like the predictor tool wasn't diverting enough.)
@IsaacMoses I wish it would say where it got the text from. It seems to have picked up on what might be a typo in an SO post of mine, but i have no idea where it might be. :/
@Scimonster You can't find it by searching?
@IsaacMoses It's the word "var" with a capital V.
I don't think so.
(It's supposed to be lowercase.)
Or, i was able to search with the next word. It seems to have capitalized in the flack only, for some reason. All's good in the original post.
A great line from my flack: "The Bnei Yisoschar says that his philosophical definitive proof that there should not be objects changing ownership on Shabbos through commerce"
@Scimonster Oh. Maybe it automatically capitalizes the starts of sentences.
@IsaacMoses No, it didn't do that other times.
> Same object. It ends up looking a complete callback, reset the counter, and then set it. var template = $(this).attr('href'); }); Set the location after doing whatever you want to do. Var useranswer = document.getElementById("useranswer"); You're comparing against the DOM element itself, not the value of the input. var f = 0; for (var i recommend you look at the documentation for .data() it specifies that your regex as a string, see? var overlayTeacherId = $('this').attr("id");
@IsaacMoses This looks very cool. Thanks!
> Shokhet is considered a high activity user
The Predictor...

Thinks Shokhet prefers, when compared to a typical user, to answer questions tagged:
halacha shabbat slaughter-shochet-shecht product-recommendation jewish-books
how-to tefilla parshanut-torah-comment blessing women
....not far off, though I don't know how many questions I've answered.
Thinks Shokhet prefers, when compared to a typical user, to avoid questions tagged:
mi-yodeya-series hebrew names passover chanuka
clothing calendar halacha-theory technology death
....I don't think I've ever answered a single question, ever.
This is bizarre: judaism.stackexchange.com/posts/15082/revisions Why wasn't Abby's vote binding?
@DoubleAA And she doesn't have 3K, so she couldn't have voted before becoming a CM. That's odd.
@Shokhet Maybe she had 3k and lost it all in a giant sockpuppet voting ring scheme
@DoubleAA And came back to exactly 101. That could work....
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