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Is chatting discouraged on Stack Exchange, or is the chatroom just generally dead?
@Yehuda Some weeks it's very busy and sometimes it's quiet. Do you have something you want to bring up?
@DoubleAA Nope, just wanted to meet some people from the community
@Yehuda Hi! :)
@DoubleAA Hi :)
People drop in and out regularly based on what's going on for them in real life, but if you ping someone, they should get back to you eventually. It's a little disjointed, but you get used to it.
@DoubleAA Got it. So, where about are you from?
@Yehuda Too far from Israel, I'm afraid.
@DoubleAA Ah, so you're not Satmar. One step closer to working out who you are irl.
@Yehuda Satmar are also regrettable about their distance from Israel, they just don't think anything should be done to fix it at the current time.
@YEZ Would any Satmar person you've ever met have replied like that?
@Yehuda I haven't met very many. But probably R' Yoel Teitelbaum would have. He spends a good deal of time in his book lamenting as much.
Q: Is unmasking an anonymous author addressed by Halacha?

Isaac MosesIf an individual writes a document for public consumption anonymously or pseudonymously and either explicitly or presumably desires to remain anonymous, is there a Halachic issue with publicly unmasking the author, or with publicly assembling information about the author toward the goal of unmask...

@IsaacMoses Or I could have Rabbi Fass call you at home.
(The you being @DoubleAA)
One of my Ramim at Yeshiva used to tell a story about how he gave some boy a bechinah, and asked him where he came from.
The boy replied, "From Tipah Seruchah"
One of the Ramim in my Yeshiva told us that before he moved to Eretz Yisrael, when people would ask where he is from, he would say "My family was originally from Israel. They moved to Bavel, and from there they went to Europe. Finally, they ended up in America." or some such lengthy exposition.
@YEZ He didn't start with Mesopotamia?
@Yehuda I guess he held Avraham's first real home was in Lech Lcha
nighty-night (that puts me in a certain range of time-zones, but I'll give you that much)
g'night :)
3 hours later…
@Yehuda hi!
15 hours later…
@Yishai I believe you have a reopen vote, no? I am willing to reopen if the community indicates such a preference. — Double AA ♦ 4 hours ago
2 hours later…
Anyone here know where I can get access to hamishpot ivri, or more specifically, the book about the source and methedology of halacha?
I don't feel like shilling out 70 shekels for it, but I still want to read it.
@rosenjcb "How do I get a book about mishpat ivri without paying fair price?" Oh the irony...
Copyright is a scam, down with copyright!
Seriously though, I'm looking for a book on halachic methodology.
Something content heavy, and that looked good.

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