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Q: Can one's tithe include objects other than money?

T.R.Can you tithe objects other than money? For example, if you know someone in the community needs mezuzahs but can't afford them, can you provide them with mezuzahs and consider the cost of the mezuzahs a part of your tithe? Another example would be donating gift cards to grocery stores.

2 hours later…
Q: Is there a Spanish Midrash documenting Moshe's time as King of Nubia?

הראלIs there a Spanish Midrash documenting Moshe Rabbeinu's time as King of Nubia?

9 hours later…
Q: When is the yartzeit of Binyamin?

Ely JacobiI found a 2 sources for two different dates: CalJ says the 24th of Cheshvan, but Dailyzohar.com says the 11th of Cheshvan. I have no idea which is correct. Any input would be appreciated.

9 hours later…
Q: Looking for a recommendation regarding a Sefer Iyov commentary

Tom WI am a Noachide, and have been reading Rabbi Moshe Eisemann’s Artscroll commentary on Sefer Iyov. I have a few objections to Rabbi Eisemann’s commentary and am looking for another opinion. I won’t criticise Rabbi Eisemann in public - will just say I am looking for something Orthodox that is bette...

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