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Q: What animal is this?

Reb HarveyIn Sifrei Devarim 353:10 it says: וקרני ראם קרניו, שור כחו קשה אבל אין קרניו נאות ראם קרניו נאות אבל אין כחו קשה ניתן ליהושע כחו של שור וקרנו של ראם. "and the horns of a re'em are his horns": The strength of an ox is great, but its horns are not beautiful, whereas the horns of a re'em are beauti...

2 hours later…
Q: Is looting of an evacuated/destroyed area stealing?

rikitikitemboIf someone loots a home that the owner evacuated assuming it will go up in flames is it considered geneiva, or since the assumption is the owner gave up hope the items are hefker? Note: this question does not contemplate the law of the land. I am asking a purely theoretical halacha question

4 hours later…
@msh210 @IsaacMoses or other mods, what do you think?
2 hours later…
Q: What's the policy in regard to Kabbalah questions?

mrollThere are halachik and cultural norms about if Kabbalah can be learnt, and discussed in public. It's part of Judaism but it is an area that needs to be handled delicately. What is the policy here?

What does the community think? Here's where to say and to find out: judaism.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4633/…
@IsaacMoses I also wanted to ask, whether you supported the idea of msh210 to move my question from meta to main: judaism.meta.stackexchange.com/q/5656/15256
8 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (47): Are these guava ciders kosher‭ by Gavriel Yosef‭ on judaism.SE

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