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9:30 AM
What are some tips people have to remember questions they want to ask on Mi Yodeya they thought of on Shabbat?
should I ask that on meta, or even main site as a q?
10:29 AM
A: Invisible ink on Shabbat and Yom tov

mblochR Yirmiyohu Kaganoff answers your question here There is no Torah violation in writing with ink that will disappear within a few hours. This halacha has major ramifications when dealing with the needs of a Jewish hospital. Recording data is necessary, but if disappearing ink is used until after ...

3 hours later…
1:39 PM
(That was a joke. Seriously, though, yes, I think it'd make a fine question on either site. Probably better on Main than on Meta, since it's broader than just about MY, being relevant to anything thought of on Shabas. @RabbiKaii)
4 hours later…
5:46 PM
haha ok
3 hours later…
8:26 PM
Q: Tahara for drowning in Mikveh

MosheIs a Tahara performed if one drowned (Chas V'Sholom) while immersed in a Mikveh?

2 hours later…
10:26 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (45): Rav Yosef Engel’s 20 books on Kabbalah? ✏️‭ by user32424‭ on judaism.SE

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