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Q: On the Rambam's view on funding Torah scholars

Maurice MizrahiMaimonides rejected the notion that Jews must help financially other Jews to study Torah: All this is wrong. There is not a single word, either in the Torah or in what the Sages said, to lend credence to it... As we look into the sayings of the Talmudic sages, we do not find that they ask people...

7 hours later…
Q: Vilna Gaon - Torah can bring you up or bring you down

Shtika K'hodaahDoes anyone know the source of the Vilna Gaon talking about Torah and saying that it can either be used for the good or for the bad, it depends on one’s midot. He said that Torah is like rain. If you have good midot (a good seed) and learn Torah then it is constructive. But if you have bad midot ...

@IsaacMoses sorry, I forgot to get back to you. Busy couple of weeks...I don't remember which exact question prompted this line of thought, but here are some examples from recent years: judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/141603/…, judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/138410/…, judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/114578/…,
2 hours later…
I am currently wondering - according to the views that idols can provide information, and asking thedm violates certain aveirot, what exactly is the difference between asking them and asking ChatGPT? Do you think that's a dumb or good question?
ChatGPT is a(n unreliable) information source, not an object of worship.
If ChatGPT was worshipped as a deity, then it might be a concern, but it's not.
@Mithical interesting, what about comparing to practices like Ov and Yidoni?
you are saying the exact difference is worship
Those are very much pagan rituals, no?
indeed, Rambam does sub-categorize them as types of foreign worship
So, if someone asks ChatGPT, and treats what it says as reliable information, does that border on "worship"?
or is that just being stupid
Why would it? Is this person considering that information as coming from a divine source?
If a person didn't think that the information from Ov was divine, would that be ok?
I need to get back to work now, speak later :)
10 hours later…

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