What is the law of praying with a throat lozenge in one's mouth, when one has a sore throat? Please include various categories of tefilla, including making a bracha, saying amen, giving someone a bracha, reciting Tehillim, etc.
In Leviticus 12:1-4 it states that a woman is impure for 7 days after birth, known as Yoledet. This is a status with similar rules to niddah. My question is, does this Halacha apply to a woman who gives her eggs, when her baby is born?
According to poskim who hold gelatin is only as kosher as the animal whose bones are used (with whom I don’t personally agree) does the same meat dairy separation Halacha apply?
Or is there leniency regarding waiting a shorter period of time after eating products with gelatin or heating gelatin...
In halacha Yom Tov ends shloshim and shiva, my question is does the same rule apply to Yom Kippur if a close relative dies during the days of repentance?
Or is Yom Kippur different from other holidays in this respect? I ask because in many respects like melacha, the laws for Yom Kippur are more l...