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Q: Can you please define this yeshivish term?

MikeI was listening to someone explaining a halachic question and they kept returning to a term I could not figure out the meaning of from context "shas of the hock" (likely misspelled). It seemed to be used that in this situation, due to differing details, the halacha does not follow what you would ...

5 hours later…
Q: "Being Jewish" - born from a Jewish woman or having a Jewish mother?

ChaniThis sounds frivolous but it's a genuine distinction. One practical ramification is regarding conversion for a child born via surrogacy, whether the birth mother is Jewish and the egg donor is not, or vice-versa (depending on the halachic debate regarding motherhood). A Rabbi I spoke to said it w...

Q: How was Rabban Gamliel’s successor chosen?

rikitikitemboRabban Gamliel held of office of Nasi (patriarch) and was deposed (berachot 27b) his successor was chosen to be Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya. R' Elazar was a Kohen and therefore could not have been of the same family as the Nasi, nor could he have been a descendant of the line of David. I would like t...

7 hours later…
Maybe a weird request, but does anyone want a bounty on their question, on me?
Trying to do chesed, of course, but not totally altruistic. It's good for me to not constantly focus on my own little world. Got any suggetions for a question that might be out of the box for me, that I can contribute to?
2 hours later…
Q: Why is Y-K-V-K which denotes mercy, more strict than saying Elokim which denotes justice?

MosheKabbalistically speaking, the name Elokim denotes strict justice, while the name Y-K-V-K denotes mercy. If this is the case, then why are we more strict not to say Hashem's name of mercy outside the Beis HaMikdash, but we often say Elokim outside? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

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