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Q: Is it Mishna Vrura?

EliezerAAccording to the rules of dikduk, is the correct pronunciation of משנה ברורה "Mishna V'rura", without the dagesh in the beis? If so, I'm curious as to why most people pronounce it with a dagesh.

10 hours later…
@msh210 Hmph. Looks like all the links to the audio have broken over the years. It may just be gone.
@RabbiKaii More like a thin NY accent. My parents both came from NY, but I grew up in Philly. My parents ensured that I didn't pick up a Phluphian accent. I've since probably picked up some influences from the generic east coast and midwest Jews I've been among.
4 hours later…
@IsaacMoses I can't even find the audio via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, alas.

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