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2:50 AM
Q: How to gain both wisdom and wealth in the Amidah prayer

Avrohom YitzchokO Ch 94 (2) Mishna Berura 12 suggests that in the Amidah one who wants to gain wealth turns his face northward or to gain wisdom turns southward. I remember having found a source that suggests that in the blessing for wisdom one can turn his face south to get wisdom and in the blessing for susten...

8 hours later…
10:54 AM
Q: Shabbat Halacha recommendations

KirkDoes the community here have any recommendations for podcasts, blogspots, shiurim apps/websites etc. that cover Hilchos Shabbat? Particularly I’m looking for something that is English, understandable for non-Yeshiva people, and preferably covers it from both Halacha and responsa but also can tie ...

11:40 AM
Q: Why does a convert receive bris milah before the mikvah?

DudeWhy does the convert have his bris before the mikvah rather than afterwards as a Jew? Seemingly the bris done before is not a mitzvah so why not have him do bris milah after the mikvah?

10 hours later…
9:39 PM
Q: Chanukah and Purim as two friends: insight of the Shaloh

ShmuelThe Shaloh HaKadosh in Aseret HaDibrot, Yoma, Derekh Chayim famously writes that: וחנוכה ופורים הם שני רעים - Chanukah and Purim are like two friends (my own translation) What exactly does this Shaloh means? Are there seforim that explain the meaning behind this Shaloh?

10:25 PM
Q: "Riot Act" Haftarah for Kedoshim -- When Will We Read it Again?

ShalomAs discussed previously, while we avoid it whenever possible, this year (5784 / 2024) most Ashkenazim will read the actual Haftarah for Kedoshim: Yechezkel Ch. 22, "Inform the bloody city of all its abominations!" The answer there said the last time it was read was 5757 (1997); after this year, w...

11:11 PM
Q: Strange that Rachel held onto Lavan's idols and did not throw them out

Sam KramerWhy was Rachel holding onto Lavan's idols for a few days? Since she was trying to prevent Lavan from doing Avodah Zara she should have thrown them out immediately!

11:57 PM
Q: Orientation of Haman's Sons' Beam

The TargumThe Gemara in Megillah 16b here mentions that the ten sons of haman were hanged simultaneously and on the same beam. Question: Was the beam positioned lengthwise or widthwise? i.e Were they hanging one next to each other or one on top of the other?

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