A non-Jew is invited to a birthday party to be held in the synagogue after services. What level of dress is expected? Would one be expected to dress as for Shabbat services, or would a more casual (but still nice) level of dress be acceptable because it's a party and not a service? Does being ...
^^^ This had 3 or 4 (deserved) close votes when I edited it last night. It was then closed. Could people take a look and see if the edited version merits reopen votes?
@Scimonster I see it as a "Jewish life" question, not dissimilar from the questions we've gotten about gifts for a bar mitzvah (from gentiles), for example.
@Scimonster thanks. That should send it to the queue so others might weigh in.
I figure that being the place to come for Jewish answers on the net extends to gentiles who find themselves intersecting the Jewish community and want to behave appropriately -- but they don't know what that is.
@yEz can you be more specific about the nature of the psycho-sociopathy? Is somebody violating the rules of conduct?
(If you prefer to do so privately, please let me know. I wasn't asking you to name names publicly or anything, but to describe the behavior if possible.)
@yEz rudeness violates be nice, so if you're seeing that, please let us know (in a flag is best, but if there's a broader pattern and you want to discuss, we can set up a private chat room).
We all have to put up with legitimate differences of opinion sometimes, but we should not have to put up with rudeness.
Arrogance, sadly, is harder -- there are certainly people who have an inflated sense of their own brilliance, but that by itself isn't actionable I don't think. On the other hand, if someone is going around saying "you're stupid and just can't understand my brilliance" or some such, that violates "be nice". Today I deleted some comments that came close to that, BTW, but nobody sees every comment, so please do flag.
Once upon a time I could read everything on the site, but -- and this is a good problem to have! -- we've grown and I can't. I suspect the same is true of the other mods. Plus, comments that show up late on old posts can fly under the radar; unless something else takes you to that post, most people will never see 'em.
@MonicaCellio I think you deleted several of the comments that I was bothered by. The rest of them are "merely" arrogant. It's more bothersome because this person doesn't seem to have a very logical linear thinking process (thus the delusional comment).
@yEz gotcha. If you see more that cross the line into rudeness, please flag. Flags help us in answering the question "is there a pattern of problematic behavior here that we should do something about?".
@yEz good question. If you think there's a chance the person can improve (not always a reasonable expectation, but I'm speaking generally), offering constructive feedback is good. Don't take bait; if somebody is being abrasive or obnoxious, don't engage (but do flag). [cont]
If you see a way to help out with an edit, consider doing so -- and leave a meaningful edit comment explaining what you did and why. If the persons seems inclined to chat (and has 20 rep), getting out of comments and into a chat room can help. Nobody should feel obligated to do any of that, except for the part about not taking the bait. Let's model the behavior we want (as I know you do already yEz).
Some people don't get, and will never get, that this is a Q&A site and not a discussion forum. Some of the undesirable behaviors we see stem from that, and I don't know how we fix that.