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Anyone else having trouble on the site?
I can get onto other sites, but Mi Yodeya is interminably loading.
Seems like not everyone is having trouble, because I can see from my inbox through another site that someone just left me a comment.
@DoubleAA was it you ^^^ ?
We are looking into the CDN issues now, hang tight.
@YEZ it's not loading for me, but I was just on MSE and that seemed fine.
@MonicaCellio Me too. That's how I checked my inbox.
I just (10 minutes ago, maybe) had to flush my browser cache for unrelated reasons, so I thought that might be related. Guess not.
@MonicaCellio Well, someone isn't having this problem, because I got an upvote on a post that I posted as my last action, and the page did not reload from my pressing to post the answer itself, so there was no possible last moment between the going down.
@MonicaCellio it's back.
for me at least.
Should be back.
We're tracking down the cause of 503's on the CDN. Those with issues please tweet us the colo= line of this page: http://cdn.sstatic.net/cdn-cgi/trace

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