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@MartinSleziak Thanks to your feedback that gives me the incentive to solve it.
5 hours later…
@WeiZhong I see, but did you fix in general the issue of \ointbeing interpreted as \int?
3 hours later…
@Workaholic Not yet. I would not assume it is a "fix", actually that behavior is easy to change, as I mentioned in a comment: meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/24978/…
First we need to know if there is an \oint in an old post that has been indexed. After my failing attempts to find a relevant post, I think it is very likely that we will get nothing in search results if \oint is defined as a different token.
4 hours later…
@WeiZhong There is, see the first result here.
7 hours later…
Q: Announcing a third-party search engine for Math StackExchange.

Wei ZhongApproach0 is a math-aware search engine. “Math-aware” means you can add math expression(s) as some of your keywords to have search engine help you find similar expressions. Check out here: https://approach0.xyz This is my side-project, hopefully it can be useful in some cases to help Math SE use...

Recent edit of the post on meta: "Because posting feedback in comments (even in chat room) does not provide good readability for collecting issues and its related discussion. I welcome people to go to project issue page and create issue there or put feedback under its related issue topic. This will also help this project attract potential contributors from GitHub to participate and get developers' attention to solve proposed issues."
I see your point. But to be honest, I am not sure whether I would be able to judge what kind of things can be considered "issues". (Due to the fact that: a) I am not much of a programmer. b) I am not familiar with GitHub. c) I am not familiar with the source code of this project.)
I guess there are things which might be more suitable here.
I agree that messages here are not very structured. But for some discussion about some feature or about searching for a specific question, this could be probably a better place.

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