Usually, if tag [a] is a synonym of [b] then searching for [a] will only return a search for [b]. Because, for all intents and purposes, they are the same tag and the synonym direction determines one as the main public-facing tag, the other being replaced with the main tag on almost every occasio...
This is by design. You can refer to my answer on a separate post here. Basically, we changed this behavior to make sure that there were no tags that are simply not searchable. It's not an all-encompassing fix (complex query behavior remains the same) but it at least makes those previously unsearc...
On Meta, chatgpt has been synonymized with ai-generated-content, but when I go to its tag page, there are only 7 questions listed when I know that there were way more questions with the chatgpt tag alone. Sure enough, there are some questions that are tagged chatgpt but cannot be found by either ...
I've fixed this issue. We discussed possible solutions and determined that the most straightforward way to resolve was this workflow: If you search for a single tag with no other terms, and that tag is not the canonical synonym (for example, [chat-gpt]), the search will return results for both [c...
[openai-api] or [openai-api]
state. I know this solution is not ideal - we were going for a stopgap to at least make previously inaccessible questions searchable. In any case, I'll talk to the team about how else we might want to change it. I hear your feedback. — kristinalustig ♦ Oct 29 at 13:31« first day (2960 days earlier) ← previous day next day → last day (26 days later) »