@Dennis I'm just really glad you're feeling better. You mean so much to all of us and you've done so much for us and I don't think that anyone could possibly be mad at you for taking some time off for yourself. I was really afraid of the worst possible case, and I'm truly very happy to see you're doing better.
When I first joined PPCG years ago, I was still in high school, new to Linux, new to a lot of programming things, and I really looked up to you during that time for seeming to always know everything and for always willing to help out with whatever computer trouble or whatever whenever you were around. So much of what I now know comes entirely from me asking and you patiently explaining.
It's really awful how this community is falling apart and I don't get to talk with some of these amazing people anymore but I'm just glad you're doing ok.
Don't feel like you need to work on TIO if you just can't. If you work to maintain TIO end you end up hurting yourself mentally, that's the worst thing that can happen.