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12:43 AM
@Pavel That did fix it.
@DJMcMayhem The Hello World doesn't print anything except Hexdump:. The hexdump is empty too.
I'm not sure if source is supposed to be the code or a filename. I tried both.
1:32 AM
@Dennis WTH...
Source is a filename
So /opt/v/v .code.tio -f .input.tio -x "$@", yes?
Correct, I think I have a guess though
Ah, it can't find the vim directory.
Yep, that was my guess
"$(dirname -- "$(readlink -e -- "$0")")/vim/init.vim" should take care of that.
1:39 AM
I can't understand that, but I'll take your word for it
readlink -e -- "$0" gets the real path of of the v executable, dirname the directory it resides in.
2:45 AM
Ok, I'll update that once I have the chance
11 hours later…
A _
1:38 PM
@Dennis Sorry for scaring you previously. Don't be too nervous, as I am currently only requesting 2 languages.
Could you please pull Elvish and A+?
Nope, I will put Elvish on hold for later, as TIO already has a lot of shells available.
2 hours later…
3:51 PM
Are you asking to add those to TIO? Adding and pulling are fundamentally different operations. I don't want to put words in Dennis' mouth, but it's probably nice to know which is being requested from a planning / time management perspective.
4:11 PM
@A_ That's a terrible reason not to add a language
Increasing the language counter by one without being particularly difficult to install or taking up too much disk space or something is a good thing even if no one uses the language :D
From what I can tell it looks like a bash-powershell hybrid which is actually super neato
.....this a cool shell.
5:12 PM
@Dennis Thanks, it should be fixed now if you could try again
5:31 PM
@DJMcMayhem Updated.
Hmm, it seems like it's printing an extra newline. I'm gonna look into that
5:46 PM
And yet try it online gives an extra newline
@Dennis Any idea why the two are different?
@DJMcMayhem Does it work if you run V locally where output isn't a terminal?
How would I test that?
Redirect to a file?
I don't get a trailing newline, but I do get a leading 0x07 for some reason :/
1 hour later…
7:04 PM
7:17 PM
@DJMcMayhem No clue. It's not a sandbox/non-interactive thing. I get the same result on the command line.
But it's noteworthy that the hexdump is different with a clean environment (Try it online!) and that it doesn't work at all with sudo.
I can't reproduce the 0x07 byte when redirecting to a file.
I wonder if it's because I'm using WSL
was just going to say that lol
I visit google translate...I think for cooking one has to start with easy not composed elements as flour, potatoes, legumes, tomatoes, fruit, vegetables, onions

Do you know "peppers"? "Eggplant"?
Also, programs that I tested before the update (that were fine) now don't work on TIO :'(
For fruit for me there is something not ok for residual pesticide
7:24 PM
@RosLuP That's not really what this room is for
Yes programming...
I have a good experience with a reduce set of C++ possible instructions...the compiler is fantastic it say what I forgot and make note to all that can going wrong...
But the heavy problem can be resolved only using assembly language for me
Apl is ok too, and Axiom too, but the code I write in each language it seems like easy instruction oriented...assembly
7:48 PM
@RosLuP General programming also isn't what this room is for. Did you mean to post in The Nineteenth Byte?
@Dennis yes I was convinced (I thought) it was the nineteenth room...
8:04 PM
Free of cancel all...
Free for delete all my ot messages here
8:17 PM
@Dennis I was wondering if you could add Kipple (esolangs.org/wiki/Kipple), a C interpreter is available here (web.archive.org/web/20070423023644/http://www.harderweb.de/jix/…) and a Hello World program is on the esolangs page
8:34 PM
actually I don't think you can use that interpreter since it doesn't support input, and it seems to error
8:56 PM
there's a java interpreter that can be downloaded at web.archive.org/web/20060208104725/http://rune.krokodille.com/…, and can be called using java -jar Kipple.jar -i [input] [program file name]

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