@Dennis I just discovered a practical programming language RIDE by clicking on an advertisement. It seems that TIO does not have this language. (RIDE possibly requires payment; I will try to use it first.)
Wonderful, I can run it online, but I would still like to see it on TIO.
@A__ That's a noble idea, but there's only one of me and I do have some other stuff to do. ;)
If you want to add languages in bulk, you'll have to submit pull requests for the tryitonline and tiosetup repos.
@EdgyNerd Anybody can submit a pull request, yes. Unless you set up your own TIO server, you can't really test your PR though...
I should work on a way for trusted users to temporarily add languages (to the server, not the repo), so would just have to OK them before they get listed.
@EdgyNerd I'd have to write it myself, but I don't think I understand the specification well enough to do so.
@Dennis oh ok, it probably more on the "nice to have"-side. (pytorch is a deep learning framework, soon probably just as popular as tensorflow, and still growing) (maybe the cpu-only version might be a bit smaller, but probably still around 1GB)