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@Dennis Can you pull Charcoal? Thanks
@ASCII-only Syncing.
@Dennis Can you pull Bitwise? Thanks
@Dennis Can you pull Charcoal again? Thanks
@MDXF @ASCII-only Syncing.
Thanks again
@Dennis Can you pull Proton? Thanks :)
@Dennis Oops. Mind pulling Bitwise again? Thanks
@HyperNeutrino @MDXF Syncing.
@Dennis can you make the permalink fields uneditable? A lot of the time I'll try to select all with <C-a>, forget I have APL keyboard on, insert an ⍺ into the middle of the permalink, and then spend a while trying to figure out why it isn't working.
@Pavel I recommend just using command mode :P
I still find it odd that the permalink fields are editable
@Dennis Thanks :)
@Pavel I like it, incase I want to change the 'Try it Online' text or something.
@Pavel I found that useful from time to time, so I'm reluctant to remove it.
@Dennis could you add ARBLE?
(It should also have the PWD problems fixed off the bat this time!)
@Dennis Huh? What for?
Editing stuff before I copy it. Hadn't happened often, but it has.
@ATaco I'll take a look. Is this related to equa.lua?
It bundles equa and some other libraries together.
#!/usr/bin/env bash

/opt/arble/short.lua .code.tio "$@" < .input.tio
short.lua, not arble.lua
.oO(y tho)
Name came after the code.
@ATaco Should I keep equa.lua for Lua?
That's up to you, it's still a usable library.
I wonder if anyone's made a permalink featuring equa yet
@ATaco So you'll keep updating both repos?
@ATaco you should have added the equa repo as a submodule to arble instead of duplicating the source code
@Dennis Yes, I plan to.
@Pavel I would have if I knew any more about git than how to push :P
@ATaco It's not hard. git submodule add <link-to-equa>
To update it, git submodule update
@ATaco What would Hello World look like?
"Hello, World!"
@ATaco Hm, lua: /opt/arble/short.lua:5: module '.opt.arble.equa' not found suggests otherwise.
lua: /opt/arble/short.lua:5: module '.opt.arble.equa' not found:
        no field package.preload['.opt.arble.equa']
        no file '/usr/share/lua/5.3//opt/arble/equa.lua'
        no file '/usr/share/lua/5.3//opt/arble/equa/init.lua'
        no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.3//opt/arble/equa.lua'
        no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.3//opt/arble/equa/init.lua'
        no file './/opt/arble/equa.lua'
        no file './/opt/arble/equa/init.lua'
        no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.3//opt/arble/equa.so'
        no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.3/loadall.so'
prependdot.. in the require statement is I think an issue
That's fine, surprisingly.
But . refers to the working directory.
Not in lua.
Hold on, let me try this in Fedora.
Question: can I just use the equa.lua from the ARBLE repo?
To be imported from Lua, I mean.
Oh, it's in a subdirectory now? Nevermind.
Yes, equa is now a submodule.
I find it intresting that even though the repo is called equa.lua, the created directory is just named equa.
I did not know git did that.
@Dennis Give me a moment, I'm messing with submodules and it's causing me pain.
@Pavel I did this myself, because trying to use a . in a folder name in lua is evil.
Yeah, just looked at the commit history and noticed
There's an increase in screams of pain now.
> Git submodules are the most amazing and annoying thing to ever exist
> --anon
I have no idea why, but the submodule isn't cloning into my fedora instance.
You need --recursive.
You may have an outdated version of git
Kind-of ninja'd
(--recursive is implicit in recent versions)
Alright, after that annoying hurdle, it's working on my fedora instance and my windows instance.
Still not working here...
Same error? Or a new one?
The folder structure has changed, but it's equal otherwise.
Wait, why is it searching .//opt/arble/equa.lua, it should be searching /opt/arble/equa.lua
Oh, gosh darnit.
It seems to be trying to use an absolute directory as a local one
My version of Git is 2.10. Fedora's is 1.7, I think?
Oh, I think that's because TIO calls these with absolute directories where as I've been testing with local ones.
The current git is 2.14.
TIO is running 2.13 (Fedora's default), and --recursive is still required.
Weird. I cloned arble just now and the submodule was added without --recursive
@ATaco Using a relative path doesn't really help.
ua: ../../opt/arble/short.lua:5: module '......opt.arble.equa.equa' not found:
        no field package.preload['......opt.arble.equa.equa']
        no file '/usr/share/lua/5.3///////opt/arble/equa/equa.lua'
        no file '/usr/share/lua/5.3///////opt/arble/equa/equa/init.lua'
        no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.3///////opt/arble/equa/equa.lua'
        no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.3///////opt/arble/equa/equa/init.lua'
        no file './//////opt/arble/equa/equa.lua'
        no file './//////opt/arble/equa/equa/init.lua'
@Pavel Did you do something in your .gitconfig?
That's a lot more .s and / then normal.
@Dennis Nope
Actually, I installed legit, but I don't think that's relevant
cat .gitconfig
        email = [email protected]
        name = Pavel Braginskiy
        branches = !legit branches
        publish = !legit publish
        unpublish = !legit unpublish
        sync = !legit sync
        switch = !legit switch
        resync = !legit resync
        undo = !legit undo
[filter "lfs"]
        clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
        smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
        process = git-lfs filter-process
        required = true
I can't recreate the issue, so I'm struggling to fix it, going to need to give me a moment.
Got it!~
Well that didn't entirely fix it.
What does your LUA_PATH look like?
@Dennis Got it!
LUA_PATH was fine, solution was somewhere completely different to where I was looking.
Commited and pushed.
Let it be known that PWD and Lua are sworn enemies.
But this time, this time it works better than ever. This has been a good learning experience.
38 mins ago, by Pavel
prependdot.. in the require statement is I think an issue
I was correct for the entirely wrong reason all this time
Well, it wasn't an issue.
It just, wasn't the solution.
But all you did was remove prependdot and it was fixed
Oh nevermind
I see
package.path is what saved the day.
Thank you, oh kind dennis.
More importantly, thankyou for putting up with PWD shananigans even after I claimed that there would be none.
As far as I can tell languages rarely work on the first try
@ATaco No problem, bugs happen. Still curious why it worked on your Fedora but not mine though.
I was calling it as lua arple/short.lua arple/test.lua, and my CWD was under home.
Probably just a perfect storm.
8 hours later…
@Dennis Could you pull Charcoal? Thanks
4 hours later…
@ASCII-only Done.
3 hours later…
Thanks to the kind people at Wolfram, there now https://tio.run/#mathematica.
@Dennis Wooo! Awesome!
Wow, what did wolfram do? I need more info :p
I assume they gave Dennis a key, like with APL.
@Dennis how much space does Mathematica take up? When I tried installing it it was like 20 gigs
@Pavel After deleting a lot of stuff TIO doesn't need, 2.3 GiB.
Is that more than Haskell?
Slightly, yes.
Did you reach out to them or did they find you?
@Dennis Could you please pull Proton again? Thanks!
@Dennis This Mathematica thing sounds great! Are APL and Mathematica the first non-free languages on TIO? How did Mathematica come to happen? (About APL I know Adám was involved)
wait APL isn't free ._.
Wait, this means we can answer C&R challenges in Mathematica now :D
@HyperNeutrino I think the language is, but Dyalog's implementation isn't free of charge for all use cases.
@HyperNeutrino Syncing.
@Dennis Hm okay. And yay thanks :D
@quartata They (specifically, Jesús Hernández from Wolfram Research) reached out via email.
:o wolfram knows about TIO :DDDD
@ATaco They also helped setting it up. Using it inside the sandbox wasn't easy.
I can imagine...
@LuisMendo Yes, Dyalog APL and WolframScript/Mathematica are the only ones at this moment.
@Dennis Do you think it would be interesting to add Matlab (even if Octave is already there)? I may be meeting some people from Mathworks soon and if I find the ocasion I could probe them
@LuisMendo That would be great! :)
At that point, TIO will probably need a bigger disk. :P
I still need to support TIO on patreon, I haven't gotten around to it.
@Dennis :-D I'm not at all sure I'll even have the chance to ask, or what their opinion would be, but I'll let you know about any progress
@Dennis RIP feeds btw

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