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@Zacharý I'll check it out tomorrow. Not feeling well right now.
Sweet, I can say MY got on tio the same day that the eclipse occurred!
The Eclipse got on TIO?
@SocraticPhoenix Syncing. Wrt you pull request, I think it would be better to enable command-line options for Shnap, so debugging could be enabled or disabled for each individual permalink.
Heh, mathematician creeping its way out "wrt".
@Dennis okay, that does make more sense :) thanks...
@SocraticPhoenix I've enabled Options for Shnap.
Btw the shebang in MY will only work is you mark the file executable.
I copied it from your code, though,
Yes, but you didn't copy the file permissions. :P
Well, Python considers it a comment.
If you're not on *nix, git update-index --chmod=+x MY should do the trick.
I'm on a Linux.
Nevermind then.
Well, now I have to edit all of my MY answers ...
All of them? Oh MY!
@Zacharý Seriously though, don't edit too many of them at once. Taking up the entire front page is frowned upon.
I've done that with Hatsupointerkun before, scrolling through their answers and commenting suggestions. In turn, they took up most of the front page.
@Dennis Shoot, I found a bug. Whenever you feel up to it, pull MY please. should now work.
2 hours later…
@Dennis Hmm, could you add an option to TIO to xxd -r the code before running it?
I think it would be useful in languages like SMBF in which sometimes you want e.g. mull bytes
1 hour later…
@Dennis :/ why is simula's encoding SCBS not SBCS
@ASCII-only single chat byte set IIRC
@Downgoat ah ok
4 hours later…
@Dennis Could you pull Ly? (seems like that is all I ever say in this chat...)
@Dennis Can you please pull Brachylog?
/@ ?dennis (could|can)? ((you)? ((pl(ease|z))? pull [a-z0-9,-]+ )|((pl(ease|z))? pull [a-z0-9,-]+))/ig matches most messages in this room
or @ ?dennis .* pull
@programmer5000 why the optional space
@ASCII-only To avoid pinging dennis
@programmer5000 1. use {0} instead of ?, 2. ... it's in backticks, it won't ping dennis
Did that ping you?
It was in backtics
/@programmer5000/ :| does this work too
Yep, pinged
I wonder why they allowed it
@Dennis Can you add a newline to the uBASIC Hello, World to stop it from erroring?
1 hour later…
@Dennis Oh also Standard ML (MLton) appears not to work
@Dennis, Could you pull MY?
1 hour later…
@LyricLy Done.
@Fatalize Done.
@Zacharý Done.
@ASCII-only Fixed.
@ASCII-only Because typo.
@ASCII-only Done.
@Dennis, I'm sorry about this, but could you pull MY again, I forgot one little arr. Argh!
@Zacharý Done.
Thanks, I'll try not to ask for a while.
@Dennis can you please add Monkeys to tio?
@Dennis, ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH, I HATE OCTAL NUMBERS! (Pull MY again whenever you have time)
@EriktheOutgolfer You don't happen to have a Hello World program, do you?
Also, without even running programs, I can tell that the interpreter has bugs.
@Zacharý Syncing.
@Dennis I think one is posted although it's kinda hard to make one :p
especially since the only way to get any value other than 0 is PLAY (i.e. random)
except if we use division of course
@Dennis it doesn't compile?
Thanks Dennis, sorry for all the pull requests. I think most of the bugs are ironed out now.
@EriktheOutgolfer It compiles just fine, but it compares values of type unsigned char with -1, which is nonsensical.
@Zacharý Famous last words.
@Dennis What is that supposed to mean?
@Dennis I think the "-1" means "255" although I'm not completely sure...wait
also how is that "famous last words"? starbait?
WOuld Dennis seriously starbait?
well, I don't see how that would make sense otherwise, since the pings to pull never actually end
(at least in the long run)
Irony ... maybe?
@EriktheOutgolfer No, it doesn't. Comparing an unsigned char to an int will promote the former to int, which will give a value between 0 and 255, never -1. tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/…
I think that int just has different bounds
@EriktheOutgolfer That's completely besides the point. The Monkeys interpreter is using unsigned char, not unsigned int.
well then it should get fixed...
...because I can't use it locally too
@Zacharý Like the famous last words of the mailman: "Good dog." (The implication being that thinking most of the bugs are ironed out now will inevitable lead to a gigantic FAIL in the future.)
Yeah, I know exactly what that FAIL will be.
I'm probably going to need help fixing that eventually.
@Zacharý what language is ur language written in?
MY is written in Python
@Zacharý Not directed specifically at you btw. Everything more complex than a Hello World program probably has a bug or two.
that's probably what dennis experiences when people say "finally fixed that bug for good"...the ultimate mess of pull requests in near future
and that's how he understands how big the fail is
Yeah, my method of converting between strings, argument-based functions, and stack-based functions has a MAJOR flaw I need to fix one day
@Dennis for example, Shnap's unary operators are currently always returning void...
@EriktheOutgolfer Obviously. Replacing all occurrences of -1 with 255 should be enough to take care of this particular problem, but it's kinda hard to assess if the interpreter is working as intended if you have nothing but a broken cat program.
@Dennis I thought of that too but I'm not really sure if that's the intention...
Well, I managed to create a Hello World program. I guess that means the interpreter is stable enough for the time being.
@Dennis great! you used PLAY and EGO right?
(sorry wasn't there)
oh btw try to increment 255 and see if it goes back to 0
Yes, wraparound appears to work just fine.
@EriktheOutgolfer No.
what did you use?
Moving the monkey increments its accumulator.
so...can you add it to tio?
(and the implementation list along with brainfuck et al.)
That repos is only for brainfuck derivates. TIO has 40 language repos. github.com/TryItOnline
doesn't seem to be on tio yet?
I mean, tio.run#monkeys doesn't work or something tried ctrl-f5
also searched for "monkeys"
That's because I haven't added it yet. Have a little patience.
just asked if something was going on ;)
Rest assured, if you ask me to add a language and I add it, I will ping you to notify that it's done.
I can confirm
@Dennis I thought you would ping me with a hello world program :p
That's what I usually do, yes.
gtg ping when ready
@Dennis could you pull Shnap (should be the last pull for a while)
@SocraticPhoenix famous last words.
@SocraticPhoenix Syncing.
@Dennis thanks

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