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@ConorO'Brien :D time to add another page to RosetTIO
@Dennis Could you pull Charcoal? Thanks
@Dennis this should fix it:
@ConorO'Brien what are you going to work on last :P
@ConorO'Brien also. make sure you stay consistent. all solutions should either cat char by char, or all should cat line by line
1 hour later…
@ASCII-only Does it matter?
@Pavel not really. but the two types of cat are basically two different programs (i.e. produce different output given the same input)
Well actually
I guess that's not the case unless input has no trailing newline
@ASCII-only I mean, something like $> << $_ while gets in Ruby wouldn't put the trailing newline if the input has no trailing newline, but gets reads line-by-line.
@Pavel i meant more that some programs don't return input at all until a newline is read
11 hours later…
@Dennis Please pull Physica when you get the chance.
@ASCII-only Done.
@Mr.Xcoder Done.
Thank you very much!
wrong channel
@ConorO'Brien I don't think that's possible in carrot because input works like python2's input() D:
Can the "Java (JDK 10)" be updated to the latest version? It seems to some of us that there are issues with the current version: codegolf.stackexchange.com/posts/comments/401670.
@OlivierGrégoire I've updated to 10.0.1, but didn't fix the issue.
Speaking of Github, you're not planning to follow the "everyone switch to gitlab" idea, are you?
I can't say I'm happy about the acquisition, but I don't think I'd prefer GitLab over Microsoft.
Microsoft's been doing good things for developers, so I think this will end up being good for GH, but most people don't seem to think so.
Mm, the HadesLang REPL behaves "backwards" on c-d and c-c. EOF cancels the line and redraws the prompt (albeit while looking rather akwardly), and c-c exits.
Microsoft's been doing good things for developers recently.
@Dennis Well, C# was 18 years ago :P
Not sure I follow. Is 18 years' ago C# supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?
C# is definitely a good thing
While it was Windows-only, I don't think I would have agreed. Yet another way to tie users to their operating system.
Fair enough
@Pavel you're too young to remember the first browser wars :)
Thank you @Dennis!
@ngn Weren't the first browser wars were pre-IE
@Pavel Netscape vs IE
I've been using a lot of MS stuff. Recently switched my login shell to PowerShell. Super nice, with the drawback of it taking me forever to figure out how to get sudo to play nicely with aliases, since alias sudo="sudo " isn't a thing
@Pavel MS actively developed IE to the point of being genuinely competitive, then they used their OS dominance to stifle Netscape, and after gaining a monopoly for IE, they practically froze any development on it for the next decade
@Pavel they've claimed they want "developers, developers, developers" before, but never actually cared - bugs were never fixed, APIs were inconvenient, sometimes in deliberate violation of web standards
@Pavel Another reason for the hate is MS's general hostility towards the free software culture. I understand that trend has been reversed in recent years, but many people have memories.
Old grudges die hard.
and there's of course the spoiling of Skype
Yeah, not so good at software facing general consumers.
Good thing we have discord
Doesn't do me any good. My entire family learned to use Skype and resfuses to learn something new.
@Dennis same here :)
@ASCII-only I could build the version from qb64.org, but it seems to require a GUI. It prints freeglut (./qb64):, (presumably) tries to open a window on the desktop, then exits.
The fact that I had to install mesa-libGLU-devel and alsa-lib-devel should have discouraged me.
5 hours later…
@Dennis Can you pull Add++ when you get a chance?
3 hours later…
HadesLang got fixed pretty quickly, neat.
@Dennis :/ oh well
time to write a QBasic interpreter that will leak 95% of the memory it uses

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