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@Pavel How did you build it?
# npm install
npm WARN lifecycle [email protected]~preinstall: cannot run in wd [email protected] npm install -g jake madoko (wd=/opt/koka)
audited 13 packages in 0.569s
found 0 vulnerabilities
Ah, --unsafe-perm.
Telling npm to be even unsafer than it is out of the box is kinda unnerving...
@Dennis Noticed I'd broken a couple of commands earlier today (design fault of using the same property for two effects and then enhancing those effects: the increased values were two very different things that were now being controlled by the same value). Should be a smooth recompile, all of like 4 lines changed.
Test case should output 1
@Draco18s It does.
Does now! Awesome. Was trying to do a challenge earlier and was like "what do you mean that doesn't work?" and slowly figured out I broke ! (and y and ?).
@Dennis Didn't actually need that flag. Not sure why.
Different npm version?
No, actually.
It might have to do with the directory
I was in home rather than opt
Or did you use -g?
Then you either already had Jake or it's the cwd thing and npm installed it locally.
Wait, no. It's because I'm root.
And without symlinks, wrappers, or regexes.
The .expect thing is nice though. I'll have to keep that in mind.
I mainly use it automate my way past typing my password into things
^ me pretending not to have read that
I guess you can also use it for interactive configuration scripts and such
17 hours later…
@Dennis could you pull dzaima/APL? finally decided to push changes
2 hours later…
@Dennis potassco.org
@dzaima Done.
@Pavel Copr, timn/clingo
@Dennis thanks!
@Pavel The output of the Hello World program is non-constant, because it contains the version number and the CPU time. :/
@Dennis Maybe you can expect some of the garbage?
That is, the pexpect library
Or just sed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't know what it looks like
Like potassco.org/clingo/run when you run #show "Hello, World!"..
Ah. I don't actually know anything about this language tbh. It just popped up in Fedora Magazine today.
More of a problem solver than a programming language.
Can solve TSP with a handful of rules, can't print Hello World.
Admittedly, the former sounds more useful.
I'm starting to suspect this langugae is prolog
Where were you in the summer of 1972?
2 hours later…
@Dennis :/ idk how to get it to run properly on windows. mind just pulling and seeing how it goes?

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