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@Skillmon enverb would be great for this question: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/279068/…
@Skillmon I can work very well with that.

But I found a problem:
\ResP{67}{7}{2} ---> 489 (because 67 · 7 has two Partial sums / Results; 60·7+7·7=489)
\ResP{7}{7}{2} ---> "doesn't match its definition" (because 7·7=49, only 1, not 2, partial sums).

Could you maybe add something like
\ResP{7}{7}{2} ---> "-1"

Or could I do that with a if-condition?
@cis ask a coherent follow up question :P
@Skillmon OK.
@samcarter uhh, farming rep on old questions :) I'll write something, thanks for the pointer.
@barbarabeeton When do you need to know?
@Skillmon nice answer!
@barbarabeeton I asked my supervisor; unfortunately, at this point, we are prohibited from giving away too much. We will probably be able disclose more details once the project is advancing, but atm we should keep it low-ish.
@samcarter added a third code "evolution" that adds a basic version of my store code.
@Skillmon Nice!
Hm, i know where to look for low-level programming (l3interface), but where do i find the docs for high-level macros like \NewDocumentCommand, etc?
@Lupino usrguide and clsguide
@JosephWright perfect, thanks
Things one can learn on tex.se: (some form of) Welsh is spoken in parts of Argentina en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patagonian_Welsh
@samcarter well, there are several South American countries in which groups of the population speak a German dialect.
@Skillmon I knew about the German groups, but Welsh was new to me.
@samcarter same for me
@barbarabeeton @barbarabeeton Yes, so enjoy my lecture:
user image
@Skillmon & @egreg This was, why I needed this digit-readout and partial-sum stuff for.
@cis Nice!
2 hours later…
Archaeology: \usepackage[noeepic]{qtree}
Note to myself: Always wait at least 24 hours before uploading an update to CTAN =D
@JasperHabicht :)
But according to Murphy's law you will only spot a bug after the upload anyways ...
@JosephWright You even wait two weeks, right? =) I should learn from the experts
@UlrikeFischer You broke hyperref… tex.stackexchange.com/questions/734877/…
@egreg I don't think so, the new acronym breaks in texlive 2022 too. Some redefinition has made the commands fragile in a pdfstring context.
@egreg something like that should work:
  \expandafter\ifx\csname AC@\AC@prefix#1\endcsname\AC@used
@UlrikeFischer This doesn't make a link, though.
@Skillmon Thanks for the review
Why \mathscr needs an \ExpandArgs{e} in tex.stackexchange.com/a/735109/38080 ? That's quite funny...
@Rmano it doesn't does it?
Yes, it does...
@JosephWright you re-opened? It wasn't doing quite what I thought but It did what I expected on all my examples so I thought it was Ok
@Rmano I'll look...
\foreach\x in {A,...,Z}{\texttt{\x}}

\foreach\x in {A,...,Z}{$\mathscr{\x}$}
@Rmano yes well if you load packages that break standard latex commands then....
@Rmano {\string}
@mickep for having heretical thoughts you should listen to the two TOC examples at latex3.github.io/tagging-project/documentation/wtpdf/#toc (they won't take long, first is less than 2 minutes, second 20 seconds)
@DavidCarlisle I feel someone need to make a nice song with all the dot-dot-dot... @PauloCereda.
@DavidCarlisle Maybe one can argue that the tagged one is better, but the non-tagged one is clearly more fun. :)
@Lupino -- Understood about the low profile; no problem. The deadline for the next issue (46:1) is March 21, and I try to have my column essentially ready to go by then; adjustments may be necessary after that to accommodate issue makeup. I see that you've been "invited" to give a presentation at the next Dante meeting, and am sorry I can't be there. But you have an invitation to write up your document class development also for TUGboat.
@DavidCarlisle The tagged math works quite well, it seems. Nice! (@UlrikeFischer)
@Lupino -- Actually, I have another question I'd like to ask. If you can send me email (bnb at tug dot org), it's better handled offline.
@mickep yes that's just the automatic mathml from luamml without any hand tweaks.
@cis -- That's pretty neat! (I learned to do multiplication on an abacus that had a second rank of reeds, with smaller beads, on which the components could be set up for reference. So it wasn't necessary to switch from bead-twiddling to pencil for intermediate steps. But I haven't seen an abacus like that for ages. And I do mean abacus, not soroban.)
@DavidCarlisle It seems I am accumulating newpx bug reports... I'll write the author when I have time.
@DavidCarlisle fixed-in-dev
@JosephWright ah OK I thought you were planning to redo it again somehow.
@cfr I think this is a useful MWE for newpx:
% \usepackage[uprightscript]{newpx}
\foreach\x in {A,...,Z}{$\mathscr{\x}$}
@Rmano I'd remove pgf and just use $\def\x{A}\mathscr{\x}$ to simplify tracing
@DavidCarlisle Ah, yes, good idea
One task for tomorrow...
@DavidCarlisle Removing pgf was a good idea
@mickep I have gold badge for not using pgf :-)
@mickep yes but try that in context after loading some random tex code off the internet that applies \string the argument of \mathscr
@DavidCarlisle Ittma hohah... (song in Swedish about a self torturer)
@mickep I eat glass and I love soup made on nails not ducks?
@DavidCarlisle Oh, now you will translate the text into English and sing it. But is it really torture to eat duck soup?
@mickep that depends who you ask
@egreg but not because of my redefinition so not my fault ;-).
@JosephWright your welcome :)
@UlrikeFischer :-D
@Rmano Because the definition of \mathscr with newpx isn't really straightforward…
ahh, I wrote "your welcome", how embarrassing, of course that should've been "you're welcome".
@Rmano Here's a reimplementation of \mathscr in expl3


$\mathscr{Y\imath ld\imath z}$


  \tl_map_function:nN { #1 } \newpx_mathscr:n

\cs_new_protected:Nn \newpx_mathscr:n
  \token_if_cs:NTF {#1}
    \cs_if_exist_use:cF { px@Scr \cs_to_str:N #1 } { \ERROR }
    \cs_if_exist_use:cF { px@Scr #1 } { \ERROR }


$\mathscr{Y\imath ld\imath z}$

@JosephWright setting a key inside the code of a multichoice: breaks the choice. Is that expected?
  test .code:n = {testtesttest~},
  multi .multichoice:,
  multi / A .code:n = {Hello~World~},
  multi / B .code:n = {\keys_set:nn{moduleA}{test}},
\keys_set:nn {moduleB}{multi={A,B}}\par
\keys_set:nn {moduleB}{multi={B,A}}% hm.
@UlrikeFischer certainly a bug.
@Skillmon I feared so -- it the first time I used multichoice: so naturally I had to find a bug -- but one can always hope ;-)
@UlrikeFischer I can take a look tomorrow evening, but I suspect @JosephWright will be faster.
@Skillmon I opened a proper issue.
@UlrikeFischer and now I took a look today... But no PR, I'm going to bed. Good night :)

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